Slyvena said:
When my brother was 5 he was...
My youth leader didn't have a thyroid gland...
I see visions of young members of the congregation stepping out...
I've seen a ton of minor miracles and healings like broken bones, a young lady who was born with one leg too short, it grew to its proper length during the service. Even just a guy with eye irritation that was stopping him from doing his job as a builder, I led him through prayer and guided him to surrender something before his healing came and he was out helping build our church the next day.
Basically I just told you the few that came to my head, I can say more if you want.
I know I'll never convince you of this, but there are several natural ways of explaining these events. For instance, your brother -could- in fact have been wrongly diagnosed, and the burns -could- have been to only the outermost skin-layers.
Improbable medical incidences happen every day as a matter of pure statistics, and while interesting, until we see a pattern emerge, they are little more than freak occurences. Statistically speaking these things are -bound- to happen from time to time due to the sheer number of cases, but they are also, statistically speaking, nothing more than that. People sometimes survive due to freak incidents, and people sometimes die due to freak incidents. Personally I see nothing supernatural in this.
And while I would never step to calling you or anyone related to the cases above a liar, there have been too many cases of "healers" being revealed as frauds not to mention it as a potential factor. People are also notoriously bad eye-witnesses and our own minds will embelish the events in the time that passes afterwards. Which is why eye-witness accounts and personal annecdotes do not count as evidence in science.
Slyvena said: be honest I've done very little research myself because I don't really need it myself to believe, I am actually involved in something that will have me doing alot more study this year so I hope to be able to better relate to people through reason and logic alone, when they are not physically near me and I can't just show them.
Well, I'm a science teacher, so I have done a fair bit of research into various subjects. I'm hardly an expert, being neither a scientist, nor a professor of any kind, but If you have any particular things you wonder about, I'll be happy to try to answer them for you.
Slyvena said:
For my freind, he was an easy one, I just googled a bunch of stuff about the flood and the Christian perspective on how the earth layers were formed through it. Like I said I don't know much, its just hard to get around to doing it when I'm just learning so much else this year about myself and "bla bla bla Christian lingo"
As I said, the flood myth flies in the face of everything we know about how the world works, so, scientifically speaking, it cannot be true as written. And for me, personally, I hold science to be the most powerful and efficient idea we humans have ever come up with, that produces tangible, testible, useful results every day. If you like, I could take a stab at (scientifically) "debunking" the flood myth, but I'm not sure if I would then be breaking some of the rules of this forum. ;)
Slyvena said:
lol everyday was a bit of an exaggeration, monthly sometimes weekly. Unfortunately I think that million dollars thing you have to like plan out when you are going to perform the supernatural event and it just don't work that way, I don't decide when and where or how I see the visions. Besides most of them relate to emotional and physiological change (hard to scientifically prove) in people which is usually a work in progress
Please don't take this as an insult, but my first thought is that you only have a strong sense of intuition. Your mind receives billions of impressions from your senses every day, most of which we are not conciously aware. The brain still receives them though and draws conclusions from this mass of information, and it will sometimes give you small "nudges" we commonly call "gut-feeling". This is what is known as intuition, which basically means that we get a strong sense of something, often related to people (we are social animals after all), such as "don't trust this person", or the like. These "nudges" can come to us through dreams or while we are awake, but they have in common that we are left feeling as if we know something without being able to explain exactly -how- we know these things.
Slyvena said:
I would not endanger there spiritual journey and trust by making the vision I had seen about them known to anyone else other than the person themselves in some attempt at gaining wealth.
Well, you know, the wealth doesn't have to be for personal gain. I'm sure you can think of some good causes that would do well with a million dollars.
Slyvena said:
EDIT: yeah I've heard of the multi verse before, "hey lets make a theory where every single thing ever can and has happened which means our super unlikely state of being is just one of those things" would be a very blunt way of putting it. But just like any other form of science, I will only give it credibility when it is observed in some way, just like the effects of biblical events observed (Depending on which scientists you talk to lol).
These are only hypotheses thus far, and we don't have nearly the insight nor the technology to test any of them at this point. I just wanted to point out that there are other ideas out there that may or may not explain the problem you pointed out. Science freely admits that we still have a lot of work ahead of us, and we are nowhere near a complete understanding of the universe. But, the scientific understanding that we have gained so far have been put to good use, one of which is the medium through which we are now communicating. :D