I said this:
"Exactly! God's gifts and calling are "without regret". That means He doesn't regret giving His gifts.
If He took any of His gifts back, wouldn't that demonstrate regret??!! Please answer."
Ok, good. You have finally admitted that the word irrevocable doesn't mean what you have been implying.
(Edited, ToS 2.4, inflammatory statement. There have been multiple requests by staff in this thread to refrain from inflammatory statements. Obadiah.)
(Removed. Resoinse t a deleted portion of a post. Obadiah)
He doesn't take back any of His "gifts".
Please answer my questions.
Here it is again: If God took back one of His gifts, wouldn't that demonstrate regret?
(From the A&T Guidelines which you are to abide by in this forum:
- You may ask a member questions as to what they believe on certain topics relative to the subject of the thread, but please keep in mind the member is under no obligation to answer.
- Failing to answer someone’s question doesn’t necessarily amount to an admission of error or surrender but keep in mind that in any debate if you refuse to or can not answer a reasonable question, it may weaken your position.)
The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.
And it's irrevocable.
Eternal life is knowing God.
It's also God's life which He imparts to those who believe in His Son. And it is irrevocable.
If a person turns away from Him, he turns away from the eternal life that is in Christ Jesus.
No he doesn't. There are NO VERSES that indicate that anyone can walk away or turn away from the gift of eternal life.
If eternal life can be revoked or taken back, or lost, or turned away from, then it wasn't really 'eternal' now, was it?
That's not God "taking back" His gift.
You've not proven anything about your own views.
There is NO evidence from Scripture that anyone can return the gift of eternal life.
Having eternal life is a NEW life, which is part of what being born AGAIN means, or REgeneration. Or born ANEW.
The onus is on you to prove otherwise.
(Edited, ToS 2.4, inflammatory statement. There have been multiple requests by staff in this thread to refrain from inflammatory statements. Obadiah.)
The new life that God gives to those who believe cannot be walked away from.
Let's look at the comparison between spiritual life and physical life.
Our physical life comes from our physical birth parents. That is irrevocable. No one can severe that relationship. It is permanent. One can ruin the fellowship with their physical birth parents, sure. But the simple FACT is that the relationship is permanent.
The same is true with our spiritual parent, our Heavenly Father. When we are born again, that is as permanent and irrevocable as our physical relationship is with our birth parents.
That's why God chose to use that wording to describe our relationship to Him.
The onus is on you to prove otherwise. And remember;
in my opinion (edited, Obadiah) there are NO VERSES that tell us that one can lose salvation, or walk away from it.
Any child can walk away from their parent. But that doesn't change the physical relationship between them. It only changes the fellowship they may have had.
My view is not only reasonable, but
in my opinion it is (edited, Obadiah)Biblical.