I'm Sick.....Abortion?

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Allow babies to come out the womb.

Its a open boarder and entry to the nation. No walls or barriers.
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Here's some of the best news I've heard so far about this topic. Praise the Lord!! :amen

Great news! Perhaps there is hope it will be banned completely

I'm hoping so. Why would anybody want to kill an innocent child when adopting out that child can save that child? I'm sick and tired of people trying to playing God in saying who shall live and who shall die! It makes me angry! What gives them that right!? :mad I sure hope that Ohio is next to ban it.
Here's the latest update guys, see what you think about it. I found it when I started looking at the news.

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Anyone know the Strange Planet comics? The guy who writes them has a Twitter, and people found a tweet from two years ago where he referenced the March for Life and said he was glad his girlfriend wasn't aborted. So hoards of prochoice people started attacking him over it, and unfollowing him. Burns me up.
Anyone know the Strange Planet comics? The guy who writes them has a Twitter, and people found a tweet from two years ago where he referenced the March for Life and said he was glad his girlfriend wasn't aborted. So hoards of prochoice people started attacking him over it, and unfollowing him. Burns me up.

Uh oh he was basically saying how much he loves his girlfriend and glad that she was alive and with him. Better lock him up and throw away the key. :rolleyes I'm being sarcastic just in case you couldn't tell.
Now I know that these laws passed are good...but the abortionist know to set up clinics just across the borders...and doctors routinely send patients to them.

Many abortions these days aren't a means of birth control they are used as a means of eugenics. (Getting rid of birth defect babies)
Now I know that these laws passed are good...but the abortionist know to set up clinics just across the borders...and doctors routinely send patients to them.

Many abortions these days aren't a means of birth control they are used as a means of eugenics. (Getting rid of birth defect babies)

So,.. in other words?? :confused
When a woman doesn't want a child with birth defects like autism, cleft palate, scoliosis, or missing limbs she has the baby aborted instead of giving it up for adoption.
Some more GREAT news guys!!! :woot

I was going to place this in the Prayer Forum, but I don't know what's left to pray about...
except for Jesus to come get us and end it all.

I just found out about the law passed in NYC (or NY - not sure).

HOW is that an abortion?
HOW is it not murder...even for atheists.

Sorry, I'm feeling nauseous right now.

It’s murder.
I was watching a short video clip from a hearing about abortion. During the hearing, a former abortion clinic physician gave his testimony describing the procedure for 2nd trimester abortion. Here’s a video clip where he describes it with animation.

If this description doesn’t turn one’s stomach, they have to be totally without morals, compassion, or feelings of any kind. In my opinion, those who seek an abortion should be given the remains back to them in a clear glass or plastic container so they can see what has happened to their child and let them dispose of it.

In another part of the video clip of the hearing I watched, a pro-abortion woman was being interviewed. One of her comments was that the baby was not a human but was part of the woman’s body. She was being questioned about at what point an abortion should not be allowed and they got as far as to where the mother was in labor and at that point she went silent but the video was also cut off there as well so if she answered it was not shown.

By her standard, a baby would remain part of her body until it was completely separated. Imagine a future where babies are born and before the doctor severs the umbilical cord, he shows the child to its mother and then asks, “Do you want this one?” In my opinion, if we ever get to that point and she says, “No.” we should also require the doctor to give her the tools and tell her to do the dirty deed herself.

What have we become?

Still nauseating but a little bright spot in all of this is that the number of abortions in the US have been on the decline for the past three decades, from a high of about 1,600,000 in 1990 down to approximately 879,000 in 2017.

"It's not a tumor!"