In Today's News

Not to mention being energy independent...

I dont like the idea that over 15,000 workers will loose their good paying jobs. But I understand this pivotal shift in the auto industry.
So we Will have enough land to grow food for ourselves, we don't ship oranges,seasonAL fruits year round aren't grown in the us. I can go on with where citrus was and now a development. The beaches!
Hey guys, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Before I get on with today's report, here's a really quick announcement. Tomorrow is the day when it's finally here, I will be bringing Christmas to! For it's my most wonderful time of the year Christmas celebration! :wootFor I will be bringing the true spirit of the season celebrating the birth of Christ and it's going to be the most merriest time ever! :biggrin Not only that, but my official Christmas countdown will also begin! This is going to be SO exciting and you're not going to miss a single moment of it! :sohappy

Oh btw, here's a couple more announcements before I continue. On December 29th I will be celebrating one year here on with a special anniversary party. :wink Also on the thirty first I will have my rocking New Year's Eve party and on that night I will be online until midnight with a special countdown surprise! :) December is going to be one awesome month guys and I sure hope that you will stick with me through it all. Merry Christmas! :biggrin2 (I decided to do my announcement and actual news report separately because I'm starting to get hungry for lunch so I'll brb and here's a few Christmas songs to get you in the mood)

Alright guys I'm back so it's time to get serious now. *clears throat* Here's today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news, prayers are desperately needed after an earthquake hit Alaska this morning and now a tsunami warning has been issued. Here is more of the information. :pray

And speaking of Christmas, it looks like it is coming to Cleveland Ohio tomorrow morning. Here's more of the details. :biggrin

And also although this might not actually be news worthy, I still thought that it was worthy enough to post. :yes

And this is exactly why you should never release foil balloons. :nono

This isn't really news worthy either I just thought that it was pretty cool. :cool

And also although a five year old girl's name was mocked before she boarded her airplane, at least Southwest airlines has made the appropriate measures and apologized for the incident. Here's more on the story.

Also it was an extremely scary few moments for the owner of a seven month old puppy fell into an icy pond. Here's more of the details.

And the driver of a truck collecting driftwood also found himself in a bit of a pickle. Here's more.

Finally in today's news, (although yet again this isn't really news worthy) I just had to share this really touching and heartwarming story with all of you. :)

That's all for today's news! I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend everybody and join me for my Christmas celebration tomorrow because remember,.. with God anything is possible and at Christmas time, wishes can come true. :biggrin2

So we Will have enough land to grow food for ourselves, we don't ship oranges,seasonAL fruits year round aren't grown in the us. I can go on with where citrus was and now a development. The beaches!

I want to establish a orchard and grow some fruit.
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I want to establish a orchard and grow some fruit.
Here you still can .weSt of the old ag areas you can,or any unchanged zoning areas.I live near a fish farm that goes back to ww2.
Here you still can .weSt of the old ag areas you can,or any unchanged zoning areas.I live near a fish farm that goes back to ww2.

I don't think it's that hard, just find cheap land in a region and check the yearly temps and see what fruit it would suit, then mark out and plant out then in a few years have an established orchard. I could do most the work myself.
I don't think it's that hard, just find cheap land in a region and check the yearly temps and see what fruit it would suit, then mark out and plant out then in a few years have an established orchard. I could do most the work myself.
I don't think it's that hard, just find cheap land in a region and check the yearly temps and see what fruit it would suit, then mark out and plant out then in a few years have an established orchard. I could do most the work myself.
meh it harder on mY state as the beach soil is useless and calcium is to high.

meh it harder on mY state as the beach soil is useless and calcium is to high.

I guess there is a bit involved but it's only study. If the temps are right and soil is good , irrigation or rain, then food will grow.
That was some quake in Alaska. Tossed out of his tub by waves.

They probably shouldn't sell helium filled foil balloons.

I'm happy that the puppy is okay. I like puppies.

Have a wonderful day too.

Who doesn't love puppies? :biggrin2 Anyways, the only bit of news that I have today is that the forty first president of The United States George HW Bush passed away yesterday at the ripe old age of ninety-four, but since I have to start getting ready to go somewhere and I will probably have more news tomorrow, I will just save it for then. Have a wonderful rest of the day everybody! :biggrin