In Today's News

Since we are talking about age, we must also specify the frame of reference. Time moves at different rates depending upon local gravity and relative velocity. We must utilize Lorentz transformation algorithms in our results to obtain accuracy. This could take awhile to figure out...
Hey guys I'm sorry that there hasn't been much news lately but there's way too much violence right now and I'm really getting sick of it. So I'm waiting to post some more news again when there isn't that many. Not to mention the fact that I'm sort of in a bad mood right now since I've been having a bit of a rough day. :crying Anyways, at least my laptop is working again. *tries to force a smile*
The news feeds of negativity and other people's grief. When something bad happens the news has to get in there first and tell the whole world for profit. The news has no respect for anyone or anything.
On TV I only watch the last 5 mins of the news because it's the weather.
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With regard to the moustache man, forensic geneticists have developed age tests with a ±3–4 years degree of accuracy. It should be easy to prove whether the man is a minor or an adult via testing.
On TV I only watch the last 5 mins of the news because it's the weather.

I used to watch the news but I sort of got tired of it because I started watching other things and just reading it afterwards. It will return eventually, they just seem to be on a violent and negative streak right now. :neutral
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Now both Ford and GM have mostly stopped making sedans, in favor of almost exclusively making SUVs and trucks.
Hey guys, the news is finally back! So welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) We don't have an extremely long report tonight, but it's longer than we've had in the past few days and definitely enough for me to post. :yes

First of all in tonight's news, a postal employee has been convicted to six months in prison for stealing gift cards from Willowick and Eastlake. Here's more of the information.

And thankfully a cat is currently recovering after being shot with an arrow. Here's more of the details.

And also a seven year old little girl from Lake county Ohio baked cookies for her local police and fire department. Here's more and well done Carleigh, that's showing the true spirit of Christmas. :thumbsup

Also farms in Michigan are currently sending out six hundred Christmas trees to families in North Carolina. Here's more of the details. :salute

And speaking of Michigan, a woman will be spending five days behind bars for allowing her child to continually miss school. Here's more of the information. :nono

And also a NASA Insight lander has made a touchdown on mars. Here's more of the details.

Finally in tonight's news, according to the FDA it isn't safe to use Romaine lettuce for your salads just yet. :nonono (Which is just fine with me since I don't even eat salad.)

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
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