In Today's News

You are confusing the existence of diversity, which is a simple fact, with whether that diversity is celebrated or made use of around the world.

Unless the whole world is liberated why should I celebrate?, I care about all people in the world and there wellbeing.

The UN thinks our nation's need to be more diverse, maybe they should focus on the rest of the world.
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Are you ok with the fact that the US has people of European, African, indigenous, Indian, Asian ancestry?
Are you ok with the fact we have Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, atheist, Buddhist, and others here in the US?
Are you ok with the fact that the US has people of European, African, indigenous, Indian, Asian ancestry?
Are you ok with the fact we have Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, atheist, Buddhist, and others here in the US?

As long as all people practice there beliefs in peace and don't terrorise others with there extreme views I'm ok.
As long as all people practice there beliefs in peace and don't terrorise others with there extreme views I'm ok.
I am pretty sure most people don't want to be terrorized or to terrorize.
Remember how shortly after the Civil War many people of African ancestry were terrorized, especially in southern states? For many decades?
I am pretty sure most people don't want to be terrorized or to terrorize.

Alot of people support radical extreme views and because they support different radical extreme views that means they are radicalised. Someone does not need to flip out to be a radical extremist.

For example if someone supports death for apostacy and they think its justified they are radicalised. Theres a few hundred million radicalised people right there.
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I am pretty sure most people don't want to be terrorized or to terrorize.
Remember how shortly after the Civil War many people of African ancestry were terrorized, especially in southern states? For many decades?
Western ,in the north, oh wait the north didn't ,yes the north persecuted Jews with quotas,the western so called non slaves states also persecuted the American Indians.
Welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) It seems like we were experiencing technical difficulties earlier and since it's getting late and I have to get up for church tomorrow morning it's just going to be a copy and paste night.

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
It's all about equality and equal rights and unity not division, so this group of people should pay this much tax, that group of people should pay this much tax and that group of people should pay this much tax. How equal. I think I might google the definition of double standards and hypocracy again.

Google, what is a hypocrite?

the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.

Google, what is double standards?.

Double standards.
a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups.
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Hey guys no news today/tonight so I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of the night and weekend! :biggrin2
I guess about a billion radicalised people in general are offended and would disagree with this video. I mean she seems upset that specific item of clothing she was forced to wear against her will got her beaten and abused and tormented.

Who knows, It might have been a really hot day in the Islamic kingdom of Saudi and she was overheating and melting so wanted to take it off so she could cool down and breathe but instead she got abused and beaten.

I think shes Arab so she can't be called a racist.

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Double standards.
a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups.

The Politico Article You Linked To said:
...a recent Fox News poll found that voters in both parties generally support raising rates on multimillionaires.

Different tax rates for super millionaires seems to be popular with the majority of voters.
Today's weather. Hot.

Lol, can you send of that heat my way? :lol

I don't get some things.

Me neither LOL! :hysterical XD Anyways, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) We have a rather short report to do tonight so let's bounce right into it then shall we? :boing

First of all in tonight's news, a father were recently sentencing for killing a mother and her two cubs. Here's more of the information.

And it was a scary situation for one California couple as they woke up to find that a man broke into their house and was standing over their bed. Here's more of the details. :eek2

Also one shelter dog has officially been declared as a hero after he found and saved a litter of puppies. :clap Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

I just had to share this because I thought that it was funny. :lol

And also two men were charged after a road rage incident that occurred on Friday afternoon. Here's more of the details. :nono

Finally in tonight's news, nearly two hundred people were injured and several people were killed in a tornado that occurred late last night. Here's more of the information and my thoughts go towards the victims friends and family members. :pray

That's all for tonight's news and stay tuned for more news to come! :yes
4.6 million Americans off food stamps since election day. Anyone seen the mainstream media?, they like facts right?, or is Trump having two scoops of ice cream more interesting.