In Today's News

Just so you guys know there is no news today. So have a wonderful day, stay safe, and God bless. :)
4.6 million Americans off food stamps since election day. Anyone seen the mainstream media?, they like facts right?, or is Trump having two scoops of ice cream more interesting.
You realize that jobs were being created during the last six years of the Obama administration and of course unemployment was dropping.
If you go to the labor department web site and call up a graph of these things you can see what has happened since January 2017 is very much a simple continuation of what had been happening for six years already. Just saying.
You realize that jobs were being created during the last six years of the Obama administration and of course unemployment was dropping.
If you go to the labor department web site and call up a graph of these things you can see what has happened since January 2017 is very much a simple continuation of what had been happening for six years already. Just saying.

That's great, so it's a continuation of Jobs being created and people off food stamps, so that means Trump is doing ok. It's not like it's going backwards. Where is the mainstream media, this could be a story.

Headline could be "Jobs continue to grow under Trump with more people off food stamps".
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How did you learn about it?
It's good that it's happening. I don't know that a continuation of a years long trend is the biggest news.
Welcome to another edition of today's news and boy I'm not sure what the weather is like where you guys are but here it is below freezing and about five to six degrees out there! :eek2I'm sure glad that I'm in a nice warm house right now. :yes Anyways today we have a short news report to so let's get right to it shall we? :salute

First of all in today's news this story is already starting to choke me up as a dog was left out in frigid conditions without any water to drink. Here's more of the details. :crying

And the body of a fifty-five year old Wisconsin man was discovered frozen in his garage after allegedly collapsing from shoveling snow. Here's more.

And also the Sandusky police department helped rescue a dog from an icy bay. :clap Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

Also this gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "bird brain." :angry

Finally in today's news, as cold as it is out there for me right now, this is an extremely heartwarming story. :')

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Welcome to another edition of today's news and boy I'm not sure what the weather is like where you guys are but here it is below freezing and about five to six degrees out there! :eek2

That was nice of them to shovel their driveway.

Keep warm. Stay out of the cold as much as you can.
That was nice of them to shovel their driveway.

Keep warm. Stay out of the cold as much as you can.

Ik, now it's below zero. I don't have anywhere to go today but I might have Yoga tomorrow if it doesn't get canceled and going out to eat on Friday and that's when it is supposed to start warming up a bit. And yes it was really nice of them but I'm just glad that the baby was alright. :)
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a very short news report today but here it is! :salute

First of all in today's news, a Mississippi woman was kicked out of Walmart after she was caught drinking wine out of a Pringles can. Here's more of the details. :nono

And I just can't really believe how dishonest a lot of people in the world today are. :rolleyes

Finally, this really isn't newsworthy I just wanted to share it anyways. :thumbsup
