In Today's News

Parents don't normally forget their children in the park for 14 hours. The police want to make sure that the parents are okay. That the children are safe.

Yeah but arresting them?? I guess there's also a chance that the parents weren't being truthful either.
Yeah but arresting them?? I guess there's also a chance that the parents weren't being truthful either.

The authorities can force the parents to get evaluated for competency that way. The parents were caring for 8 children. The safety of the children is the first priority. The police were right there talking to the parents, and observing how the parents were acting. If they think something isn't right in the way the parents are acting, they will do whatever it takes to make sure the children are safe.

We would need videos of the police interviewing the parents to figure out why the police thought evaluation of the parents' competency was needed.
The authorities can force the parents to get evaluated for competency that way. The parents were caring for 8 children. The safety of the children is the first priority. The police were right there talking to the parents, and observing how the parents were acting. If they think something isn't right in the way the parents were acting, they will do whatever it takes to make sure the children are safe.

We would need videos of the police interviewing the parents to figure out why the police thought evaluation of the parents' competency was needed.

I agree, but if the parents were being truthful then they did seem concerned for their child as they did dial 911 once they realized they were missing. If that really is the case then they should have just taken them somewhere to get help. Not arrest them like criminals.
If that really is the case then they should have just taken them somewhere to get help. Not arrest them like criminals.

They are not allowed to just take people somewhere without their permission. Unless they arrest people first. Then a judge will review the arrest to make sure it was done right.
They are not allowed to just take people somewhere without their permission. Unless they arrest people first.

So authorities are the only ones who can take people without there permission, unless people willingly want to get arrested and taken away and thrown in a cage.
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Trump colluding with Russia for two friggin years, all you hear is Russia, Russia, Russia, and it's always been a big fat nothing burger. Everyone knew that.
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Trump colluding with Russia for two friggin years, all you hear is Russia, Russia, Russia, and it's always been a big fat nothing burger.
Totally correct. But it was more than a nothing burger. It was a conspiracy to perpetrate a coup against a legitimate President. To remove an innocent president from office in order to bring chaos to America. That is treason. But will we see the conspirators being arrested and locked up for a very long time? Mr. Trump has simply failed to deal with this Witch Hunt properly. And given the fact that he has not drained the Swamp (as he promised) we may never see Obama and Hillary behind bars (along with their co-conspirators).
Hey guys, I'm sorry that this is so late but I've been rather busy today so far, anyways,.. no news today guys so I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and God bless. :biggrin2
New Zealand women showing solidarity with the victims of the mosque attacks.

Do they not know that what they are doing is the ISIS symbol that means there is no God but allah and all other religions are false. Who tricked them?

New Zealand women showing solidarity with the victims of the mosque attacks.
Looks like Islam has fully conquered at least one Western nation, and is in the process of capturing all of Western Europe and the UK. That was their avowed goal for Jihad and the establishment of the Caliphate. And Ilhan Omar in Congress is the first step in putting America under Sharia Law.

Western leaders and politicians have had 50 years to come to grips with Radical Islam and its enmity against the West, Christians, and Jews. But none of them has cared to understand that this is war to the bitter end, and Islam is winning.
No news again today everybody so I hope all of you have a wonderful rest of the day. :biggrin