In Today's News

Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I don't think that we have a very long report to do today so I'm going to go ahead and try getting it done before Yoga class. :yes Before I get started with today's report I am going to tag Tessa for this though because this first story has brought back my hopes of the possibility of still finding my lost kitty (Jasmine) someday. :crossed

For eight years after a family cat went missing it is finally going to be reunited with her family. Here's more on this beautiful story and it sort of tears you up with tears of joy doesn't it? :')

And here's some shocking and surprising news as a woman with two wombs has recently given birth to twins almost a month apart! Here's more of the details. :eek2

And also the nineteen year old girl who pushed her friend off a bridge was recently sentenced to two days in jail and thirty-eight days on a work crew. Here's more of the information.

Also twenty-thousand dollars has been offered as a reward after a horse was stabbed to death and two others were stolen from a farm. Here's more of the details.

And Carrollton police are currently trying to identify the body of a dead infant discovered buried in a flower pot. Here's more of the information.

And also a new Michigan law means that those found guilty of cyber bullying could possibly face jail time. Here's more of the details.

Finally in today's news, find out who an abused canine is now getting a second chance at life. :)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
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I hope you find your kitty.

They need to teach children to treat others with respect. No bullying.

Thank you and yes I agree. If they had handled the bully situation better for me due to my disabilities in school, I probably would have never become one myself. Good thing I'm not anymore. People should treat other people the way they want to be treated.
Lovely story about the kitty. Can't imagine how happy they were. Good work from Angels for Animals.
Myself personally I have not seen the video as I have no need or want to watch someone flipping out, and i find it disrespectful towards the victims families. But I believe in freedom of the press.

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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I'm sorry that I'm running rather late with it tonight but I had a lot of stuff on my mind and I couldn't really concentrate all that much. :whirlSo I think that I have made up my mind that it's going to be a copy and pasting night. :yes

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
I thought the world was moving forward, not back to the 7th century stone age.
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Health care for millions of Americans is once more being questioned. I wonder why the USA is the only advanced country that doesn't take care of its citizens?
One would imagine that with the billions going down the drain daily in wasteful expenditures, that would be a no-brainer. And the shameful treatment of veterans in both Canada and the USA is a total disgrace. They should be given the highest priority, but some are out on the streets as homeless people.
Brunei goes full Mohammad stone age militant. I thought the world was moving forward, not back to the 7th century stone age
You can thank Ayatollah Khomeini (and a few others) for this nonsense. He certainly looked like he was demon-possessed, and it would not be surprising that demons are controlling the evil Jihadists.
Hey guys, another break day so I really hope that you have a wonderful weekend and rest of the day. :biggrin