In Today's News

Btw, I really do agree with that first part. A fish's life should matter too. (unless they're the kind that you catch, cook, and eat) Oh and I would probably want to adopt that dog too. :wink

I'm happy that the pets are okay. I am even happier that the volleyball team was able to keep that woman on the bridge safe. Funny about the trail of tortilla chips leading police to that drunk person.

The Coptic Christian Nassim Nicholas Taleb has an interesting thoughts on how Islam came to dominate the Middle East. After their initial conquest of the region, they were a minority. However, over time:

Fractals of Change said:
“First, under Islamic law, if a non-Muslim man marries a Muslim woman, he needs to convert to Islam – and if either parent of a child happens to be Muslim, the child will be Muslim. Second, becoming Muslim is irreversible, as apostasy [nb. in this case, converting away from Islam] is the heaviest crime under the religion, sanctioned by the death penalty….

Thus a small rate of interfaith marriages each generation will lead to Christians becoming the minority. Many also converted to gain career advancement, or avoid the extra taxes levied on Christians. Then they raised their children to be Muslims.
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Dan's Cnn Article said:
A Muslim who declares themselves a non-Muslim...could also receive the death penalty.

This type of rule historically resulted in almost 100% conversion to Islam over time, once Sharia law was implemented. Their children are also automatically considered Muslim. Their children don't have a choice. If their children choose anything else, they are executed. Once immigration results in a majority of voters in western countries, Sharia law will be voted in. Many countries like Australia and Sweden could become almost 100% like the Middle East is now.

Western immigration policies are contributing to Christians becoming the minority, along with allowing non Christians to train up their children, and bankers/lobbyists impoverishing the majority. Western countries should be inviting Christians into their countries with open arms, not building walls to keep them out. Selectively keeping out immigrants who don't believe in freedom of religion is the way to maintain freedom of religion.
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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) We don't have very much to report today so let's get right to it then! :salute (even though I want to actually report this one I am pushed for time so I am just copying and pasting)


The best way to improve equality is an honest dollar. Inflation is bankers confiscating stuff from the majority, for redistribution to the rich financial sector. The Gini coefficient is to the moon since QE and such.
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have an extremely short report to do today so let's bounce right into it then. :boing

First of all in today's news, a firefighter from South Carolina is now the proud owner of the puppy that he rescued. :clap Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

And a ten year old little boy was seriously injured after he fell off the roof of a car while car surfing. Here's more of the information.

Finally in today's news a woman has decided to become a surrogate mother for her twin sisters and ironically enough is currently carrying twins. :eek2

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Hello everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Let's just get right into today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news apparently a three year old little boy has disabled his father's iPad for the next fifty years. Here's more. :eek2

And a six hundred pound bear was killed yesterday when a car smashed into it. Here's more of the information.

Also here's a new warning about whitening strips.

And also speaking of bears a teenaged boy was attacked by a bear he defended himself with bear spray. Here's more of the details.

Also a police officer was caught on camera rescuing a choking infant. :thumbsup Here's more. :clap

And The Cleveland Indians won today's game with a final scoring of eight to two. :woot

And also I just had to share this because it definitely isn't something that you read about every day. :lol

Also I don't know how else to describe this story but heartwarming and touching. :')

And a recently released video shows a man on a treadmill being runover after a car plowed through a window of a gym. Here's more of the details.

And also I'm not really all that certain how to feel about this. :neutral

And as a cat owner myself this next article really disturbed me. A humane officer with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is looking into a possible case of animal cruelty after a cat was found with a fish hook in its mouth in Pennsylvania. Here's more of the information. :crying

Finally in today's news (actually tonight's now) a twenty year old woman got the surprise of her life when a car was donated to her. Here's more on the story. :biggrin

That's all for tonight's news! (boy was that a LOT! :thud) Have a wonderful rest of the night and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
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Hello everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

I'm glad the bear spray worked. I always wondered how effective it would be.

I wonder if iPad device firmware update mode is a security risk?

Thanks for telling me about those whitening strips. I didn't know they were dangerous.

May the Lord bless you.
Hey guys, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Sorry that I'm running just a bit late on this one today, I've had an awful lot on my plate so far. Anyways let's get right into today's report shall we? :salute

Alright this first report is really making me squirm, but hey that's my job of being CF's official newscaster. Bringing you the latest interesting news no matter how much it grosses me out. So doctors from Taiwan treated a woman after tiny bees were found living underneath her left eyelid. *shudders* Ouch! :blackeye Here's more of the information. :erm

And police were called last month when two employees got into a fist fight. Here's more of the details. :nono

And also instead of calling the police find out why one Ohio store owner decided to help out a shoplifting teen. :)

Finally in today's news (I'm sure that Michael74 will get a real kick out of this one. :)) find out what Walmart has decided to do to update its stores. :biggrin2

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin