In Today's News

Oh yeah, there's one thing that I'm just wondering though, how did the store owner know that the teen was being truthful? :confused
You just have to look the person in the eye, and make your best guess.

And if you're wrong you just helped a criminal escape. I figured that you would like that robots story. :) Technology isn't always reliable though I'm afraid. :neutral
Who cares about his personal beliefs and opinions. If you dont like what he says then ignore it or dont listen to him. People are such cry babys. Someone says something they disagree with and want them cencored and banned and lose there jobs and whatever. Get over it sook sooks. Wah wah cry me a river.

There are religious people out there who think im going to hell because im a christian and im 0% offended. I dont care what other people believe.

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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I don't feel very much like actually reporting tonight (mostly because it's so long) so it's going to be another copy and paste.

He is entitled to his opinion just as you are entitled to yours. Maybe thats why 70% in the poll so far agrees with free speech.

Some people think if others dont belive in there view the world will end in 10 years and they doomed. Who cares, should they be fired for there opinion, of course not.

If people dont believe in God and hell then why get offended of someones view and something they dont believe in . If people dont believe in someones view the world will end in 10 years and they doomed to death if they dont adress climate change so be it, no one cares, no one is offended.

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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

With regard to the woman who didn't control her animals:

“If a man’s bull kills a man or woman, you must kill that bull by throwing stones at it, and you should not eat the bull. But the owner of the bull is not guilty. However, suppose the bull has hurt people in the past and the owner, though warned, did not keep it in a pen. Then if it kills a man or woman, the bull must be stoned to death, and the owner must also be put to death. Exodus 21:28-29 NCV

Keep your neighbors safe from your animals.

Its good that they had a security camera on those package guys.

May the Lord bless you.
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Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a really short report to do today so I'm just going to go ahead and bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in today's news, the driver who hit and killed police officer Matthew Mazany was sentenced today to eleven and half years behind bars. Here's more of the information.

And all I can say about this next story is that it almost brought tears to my eyes. :crying

And also this is one of the most horrific cases of child abuse that I've ever heard of! :mad

Also this is a rather shocking video! :eek2

Finally in today's news police were called out to an apartment last week after a woman attacked her son over dirty dishes. Here's more of the details.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Hey everybody welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I really don't have anything else to say tonight other than that so let's get right to it shall we? :salute

First of all in tonight's news a woman was arrested earlier this week for starving two dogs. (I am really starting to get disgusted with all of the animal abuse! :mad) here's more of the information.

And an Ohio babysitter faces life behind bars after she murdered a three year old little girl. Here's more of the details. :sad

And also my thoughts and prayers are currently towards Dallas Texas as about a dozen people were injured after a tornado hit today. Here's more of the information. :pray

Also I really hate to be a Debbie downer today but The Kansas City Royals finally broke The Cleveland Indians' winning streak last night as they beat them with a final scoring of eight to one. BOO!!! :angry3

And a man from Bloomington Minnesota was arrested yesterday after he pushed or threw a child off a third floor at the Mall of America. Here's more of the details. :angry balcony-at-mall-of-america-in-random-attack/

And also a man who recently spent a fortune on his dream home was arrested today after he was accused of stealing from Kmart. Here's more of the information. :nono

And a severely injured cat was found yesterday with his ears cut and sliced. Here's more of the details. :sad

Finally in tonight's news with all this upsetting news we can land on a happy note. For author Beverly Clearly turned one hundred and three yesterday. :)

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
So why did Lippi take home the box? I'm mystified by this story.

May the Lord bless you.

Idk, really good question. :confused Maybe he stole the box for his cat or something. :lol Anyways, I'm taking another break from the news today. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and God bless. :biggrin
Welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) Due to time reasons and the fact that I don't really feel much like reporting tonight it will be a copy and paste night tonight. :yes

Today's weather. A Easter egg high over the nation.
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I haven't read news for a week. It's been good. Lol.
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