In Today's News

Hey guys I just wanted to let you know really fast that there will be no news today other than Jesus Christ has risen ya'all!!! :wootHappy Easter everybody and God's blessings on you. :cross
Spot the difference. And what on the "Flat Earth" are "Easter worshippers"?


Liberals have created some bizarre term to avoid calling the Sri Lankan victims in a mass assault against christianity "Christians".

What on earth are "easter worshippers"?

I'm sure Hillary and Obama will wish all the "ramadan worshippers" a happy ramadan in a few days.

Spot the difference Part 2.

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News is always negative.
Until it is *virtue signaling* by the corrupt Left-Liberals, in collusion with the unethical and unprincipled Mainstream Media (MSM). And all of them hate the real Good News of the Gospel.
Sorry guys but no news again today. I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend though and that you enjoy the rest of your day. :)

A few weeks later, multiple churches bombed in Sri Lanka with over a couple hundred Christians dead and hundreds wounded by Islamic supremacists .

No statement.
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Tomorrow you will be visiting the Islamists so I don't trust you anymore.

After multiple Churches were just bombed by Islamic extremists, the mainstream media is more interested in right-wingers.

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