In Today's News

Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. James 5:4 NKJV
Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. James 5:4 NKJV

If someone gets up in the morning and goes to work they must be payed, they have to eat and have worked for there food.
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Parents should teach their children to use pepper spray responsibly, when they give them spray for defense. It can be dangerous, especially in enclosed spaces.

Why didn't that driver just apply the brakes, and pull over to the side of the road to deal with the spider? I remember once I was driving and a bee landed on me. I waited for it to fly away, but it just sat there. I pulled over to the side of the road, got out of the car, and brushed the bee away. Finally it flew away.

May the Lord bless you.

I agree a hundred percent. :thumbsup And there is no news today so everybody have a wonderful day and God bless you as well. :biggrin2

If there is one thing that annoys me and where I have compassion is workers not getting paid, or, underpaid. If someone gets up in the morning and goes to work they must be payed, they have to eat and have worked for there food. If a employer is not happy with someone then sack them. But never ever not pay someone or underpay someone for the work they have done.

I am pleased Justice was served in that news case. Under paying and taking advantage of people should be prison time.

Even if the workers were illegal immigrants, that is not my main concern. Im saying never, ever, take advantage of others, and always pay them a fair wage.

If someone does not want to be treated like a exploited slave then they should not do that to others because they are nothing but a hypocrite.

What exactly are you trying to say? :confused
I agree a hundred percent. :thumbsup And there is no news today so everybody have a wonderful day and God bless you as well. :biggrin2

What exactly are you trying to say? :confused

What am I trying to say?

I'm trying to say that no one should ever take advantage of there workers and everyone that is willing to get up and work a day should get a fair pay to the cost of living.
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So according to this judge the penalty for being a serial pervert is home detention?, so his penalty is he gets to stay home and watch porn videos all day on the internet if he wants and just give the two known woman he violated a few hundred each?

Doesn't make much sense at all. :neutral
What treatment of women in sport?. Women are free to play whatever sport they want. The general public both male and female prefer to watch men's sport. It's just the way it is.

Women are skilled in sports, there is no doubt about it, but it's just a biological fact that men have more power and strength. It's not a man's fault at the top of most sports they can hit a golf ball further and smash a tennis ball faster and lift heavier weights higher.

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Just more Left-Liberal whining. And now with Left-Liberal transgenderism, womens' sports makes absolutely no sense. The *men-women* are walking in and walking away with the awards.

Like that want to be female who was born a dude is smashing records in weightlifting.

Even if there was mixed sports people would still have a cry dudes will win. It's just a biological fact most males have more power and strength than females, not only is it a biological fact, the evidence for it is also clear.

Males and Females still have the same skill level. If anyone believes men are more skilled or intelligent than women in sports then it would be sexist and discrimination.
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What treatment of women in sport?. Women are free to play whatever sport they want. The general public both male and female prefer to watch men's sport. It's just the way it is.

Women are skilled in sports, there is no doubt about it, but it's just a biological fact that men have more power and strength. It's not a man's fault at the top of most sports they can hit a golf ball further and smash a tennis ball faster and lift heavier weights higher.

I'm a woman and I agree a hundred percent with everything you just said. (Today's news will be a bit later on today by the way. :))
Hey guys due to the length of today's report and the fact that I have to eat supper and go out soon, the news won't be posted until later tonight so please stay tuned. :)
Hey guys, I'm sorry that this news report is quite a bit later than I expected but a lot has been happening today and since it's getting rather late and I'm pretty upset right now I'm just going to copy and paste the news articles. :sorry

I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

I guess Ileanexie really didn't have a good day. Moving that hydrant makes it safer for the people now.

May the Lord bless you.

Thank you, I'm pretty sure that I will and God bless you as well. :) Who are you talking about though? :confused
...more power and strength than females, not only is it a biological fact, the evidence for it is also clear.

The average untrained man can bench press approximately 135 pounds. The average untrained woman can bench press approximately 70 pounds. The world bench press record for a man is 1075 lbs. The world bench press record for a woman is 312 lbs. Well trained women are much stronger than untrained men. Some slender men can't even bench press 70 pounds.

The big muscle men who train with weights can lift far more than well trained women. Its not even close. Not all men can lift that much though. Some men are quite frail, and can't lift anywhere near as much as well trained women can.

Its a continuum, where no men or women can physically compete with the big muscle men.