In Today's News

Hey everybody welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) Due to the fact that it's getting later and I have to get up early tomorrow morning to see my fiancée it's going to be copying and pasting tonight.

Their delay in dealing with the MCAS system on 737 Max planes...

CNN said:
The world's aviation authorities have lost confidence in the US Federal Aviation Administration.

80% of 737 Max planes are outside the USA. Foreign regulators used to just follow the lead of the FAA, but not this time. Many are wondering if the plane was ever properly certified to fly in the first place.

CNN said:
Reports about the plane's certification have revealed a process in which Boeing, not the regulator, was calling many of the shots, and self-certifying the safety of many features.
What's going on in those schools nowadays with all the bullying? What are they teaching the children?

I'm glad they were able to rescue that 4 year old.

May the Lord bless you.

I agree a hundred percent. :goodpost Due to the fact that there really isn't much news today and I am really tired for having to get up so early there won't be any today. :nonono I hope everybody has a wonderful day though and here's a song that rings truer and truer every second.

Btw, I have about eleven or twelve more visits until Joey comes back home! :woot
He was sacked for his views and opinions because he signed a contract that controls his life. Sold out for fortune and fame. Like most celebrities. That's why celebrities all lean the same way and if one goes the other they get looked at as crazy or lose there career.

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The news will be posted later on but kiwidan, what exactly did you mean by you'll shout us out for dinner? Like virtually treating us to dinner? :confused
Hey everybody welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I don't know how much news we have tonight so I'm just going to quickly bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in tonight's news, this just in, one pup is lucky to be alive after being shot three times in the head earlier this week. Here's more on the story. :)

And a cafeteria worker from Canaan New Hampshire was fired after she gave a student free lunch. Here's more of the details.

And also a police officer from Fort Worth Texas gave one bovine a very interesting offer. :lol

Also there appears to be a mail delivery problem in Ohio City. Here's more. :chin

And here's a quick warning for you'll never know when you're going to be on camera so think before you act. :nonoEdit: For the below reasons this is actually wrong.

Also the grumpy little kitty cat who wound up stealing billions of hearts passed away on Tuesday at seven years old. :sad Rest in peace Grumpy Cat, I sure hope that you're currently in kitty paradise. :halo

And I have no idea who this person is but I still decided to post it because I thought some people might. So rest in peace Ashley and I hope you're in a better place. :halo

And also a man from Berea Ohio was arrested earlier this week after he allegedly assaulted his son. Here's more of the information.

Finally in sports it was a painful game for The Cleveland Indians last night as they wound up losing five to one against the Baltimore Orioles. BOO!!! :sad

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
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I had no idea wearing a pink shirt can prevent people from being bullies. I mean everyone should where a pink shirt today as it can change the world. Bullies don't like the color pink, it's like a cross and demons, when they see the color pink they run.

I'm going to wear a pink shirt just to show the world I stand against bullies so I get brownie points.

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Why on earth would anyone dress as a light cover and a hamburger. That's some insane mind control.

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