In Today's News

They are opening now. I thought I might have been banned from viewing. We don't have freedom of the press here, well the government says we do, but when some news articles say "this video has been blocked in your geographic location", and the other week 2 journalists homes got raided and overturned by authorities, I disagree.
Maybe you need a VPN?
I think it good to help people in need but you need to be able to do it and afford it first. The leader of the country goes on about the amount of homelessness and getting people off the streets, yet wants to welcome more refugees when it's a fact there is a housing shortage, even as the article says.

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"A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, allows you to create a secure connection to another network over the Internet. VPNs can be used to access region-restricted websites, shield your browsing activity from prying eyes on public Wi-Fi, and more."
If there is a known housing shortage and many people in the country are already homeless and you say your going to bring in another 1500 refugees, that is down right neglect. There is already like a 20 year public housing waiting list.

The UN is forcing New Zealand to accept a certain number of refugees each year, but the UN makes almost no effort to help New Zealand build housing and provide security for the refugees. NZ may not have the resources to properly vet immigrants from hostile regions like Syria, to keep out violent ISIS type fanatics.

The UN could do a better job of doing background checks on those from regions where ISIS and such are popular. ISIS members were ordered to surrender, and start new ISIS chapters in other countries. There are thousands of ISIS members in Syrian camps that no one knows what to do with.

Egypt's experience with accepting fanatics for settlement in Egypt was that the fanatics started terror cells in Egypt that took vast police and military resources to deal with. Honest and peaceful immigrants can be an asset to countries, but a reliable way must be found to weed out anyone with criminal tendencies. The UN tends to recommend people without doing proper background checks.
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The UN is forcing New Zealand to accept a certain number of refugees each year, but the UN makes almost no effort to help New Zealand build housing and provide security for the refugees. NZ may not have the resources to properly vet immigrants from hostile regions like Syria, to keep out violent ISIS type fanatics.

The UN could do a better job of doing background checks on those from regions where ISIS and such are popular. ISIS members were ordered to surrender, and start new ISIS chapters in other countries. There are thousands of ISIS members in Syrian camps that no one knows what to do with.

Egypt's experience with accepting fanatics for settlement in Egypt was that the fanatics started terror cells in Egypt that took vast police and military resources to deal with. Honest and peaceful immigrants can be an asset to countries, but a reliable way must be found to weed out anyone with criminal tendencies. The UN tends to recommend people without doing proper background checks.

The UN has no right to force anything on any country. It's a foreign entity.
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Hey guys, I'm so sorry for such a late news report but it's really been hectic today and I've been running all over the place. :whirlSince it's so late and I don't feel very much like reporting it, tonight's report will be copied and pasted. :)

Oh yes, very strong leadership, let's all give everyone free stuff and bake cakes for our babys. What a inspiration.

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Unless someone plans on living in China why would anyone need to learn mandarin. The country trades with many nations so what's the difference.

It takes about 2200 class hours to become business fluent in Mandarin. Compared to 600 class hours for Spanish and French, and 750 for German. This is because Mandarin is so different from English. The skill is useful for some business positions. That is, you might be better able to get a good paying job if you are multi lingual. If you also take business courses for the appropriate field.

Its a matter of businesses wanting a translator that they can trust. When POTUS goes on a journey to negotiate with foreign dignitaries, he takes along a loyal American translator that he knows he can trust. He doesn't depend upon what foreign translators are telling him about what the written treaty specifies, because he doesn't know anything about the loyalties of the foreign translator. Its the same for businesses. CEOs want people they know and trust to examine the wording of any contracts in foreign languages. You don't want to be signing an agreement without knowing exactly what you are agreeing to. The corporate legal department should have someone fluent in Mandarin on staff if they do a lot of business with Mandarin speaking business partners.
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There are about 27 million Muslims in Europe, compared to 5 million in North America. Between 1 and 5% of Muslims openly advocate terrorism (the exact percentage varies by locality). Europe is starting to deport radical clerics who preach violence. Switzerland recently tried to deport a cleric to Somalia after considerable legal investigation indicated that he was responsible for convincing dozens of Swiss citizens to join radical terror groups. These citizens go to foreign countries to fight for awhile, then return to Switzerland to form terror groups there. Somalia officially agreed to accept the guy back, but they don't really want him there either because he caused trouble in Somalia too. Legal appeals could go on for years.