In Today's News

Hey guys, I just wanted to let everybody know that it's the first break day since I've been back. I hope everybody had a wonderful weekend and you all enjoy the rest of the day. :biggrin
Second most peaceful country in the world. Lol. Surely that's a joke. It has the highest rate of domestic abuse in the world, so that would make it the most unpeaceful country in the world.

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Dan's Article said:
...while the United States dropped four places to 128th.


Dan's Article said:
...and Iraq were also ranked as the least peaceful country in the world.

The 2003 invasion didn't turn Iraq into the paradise of democracy that was promised. Perhaps some change of strategy should be considered?
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The world today is addicted to banning. Every ban is a freedom lost.

The classic find any negative you can no matter how useless it is and impose a ban.

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The good news for today is that while cleaning out my backpack so I could put in all my barbells in it (exercise routine) I found a ten shekel coin from Israel in it. (Worth around $2.50)
Found money rocks.
Welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) We don't have a very long report to do today so I'm just going to go ahead and bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in today's news firefighters from Denver Colorado were able to rescue four adorable ducklings from the bottom of a storm drain last week. :thumbsup Here's more of the details. :clap

And find out what one Cleveland Indians fan did as an act of compassion towards another. :)

Also a growing dangerous trend involves drivers falling asleep behind the wheel. Here's more of the details.

Finally in tonight's news a miracle baby was reunited with a detective that was part of her life several years ago. Here's more on the story. :)

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2 And JohnDB, that really isn't the kind of news that this thread is designed for but whatever lol! :lol
Welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) We don't have a very long report to do today so I'm just going to go ahead and bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in today's news firefighters from Denver Colorado were able to rescue four adorable ducklings from the bottom of a storm drain last week. :thumbsup Here's more of the details. :clap

And find out what one Cleveland Indians fan did as an act of compassion towards another. :)

Also a growing dangerous trend involves drivers falling asleep behind the wheel. Here's more of the details.

Finally in tonight's news a miracle baby was reunited with a detective that was part of her life several years ago. Here's more on the story. :)

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2 And JohnDB, that really isn't the kind of news that this thread is designed for but whatever lol! :lol
Hey, have you read my signature line lately?
One of those articles pertains to grandpa...he was a true forerunner
Hey, have you read my signature line lately?
One of those articles pertains to grandpa...he was a true forerunner

John isn't it getting close to your bedtime? LOL! The title underneath your avatar might technically read administrator,.. but to me you're the administrator of trouble! :hysterical
Welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

Ingenious idea to use a cell phone with duck calls on it to rescue those ducklings.

I suspect that part of what is going on with sleeping drivers is that some employers design work schedules that don't take into account how the human body works. Steady shift is better than rotating shifts, and slowly shifting forward is better than shifting backward. The military has started to design work schedules that take into account human physiology. Its time for private sector employers to follow suit.

May the Lord bless you.
I'm sorry that the news is so late guys I haven't been feeling very well today at all. :sad My head's been hurting and I've been coughing a bit and having a bit of a runny nose. I think that I might be coming down with a bit of a cold. :sick (Sucks that it's in the summer too. :sad) Anyways I'm feeling a bit better now and I think I'm up for the news and it's a pretty short report anyways. :)

First of all in tonight's news this is a story I kept forgetting to post. A feline from Oakdale Minnesota is lucky to be alive after it was trapped in the washing machine for forty-five minutes. Here's more on the story.

And speaking of cats, twenty-eight of them were rescued after being abandoned in a Maryland hotel room. :thumbsup Here's more of the details. :clap

Also an Ohio man is currently facing charges after he allegedly lied to police so he wouldn't have to tell his wife that he lost his wedding ring. Here's more. :nono

Finally in sports The Cleveland Indians had another victory today as they wound up beating The Kansas City Royals five to three. :woot

That's all for tonight's news! Oh and for the record it really is rather scary that I found a third person who's exactly like me. If somebody put me, JohnDB, and Joey all together in a room then I really do believe that would be the start of Armageddon. It wouldn't be a pretty sight that's for sure. :lol Oh yeah and this also just might be sinuses and I'm hoping that's really the case.
Sacked for saying repent or hell awaits.

Why do some people think what some people say is offensive or hate speech?.

Is it offensive?.

If people do not believe what someone says is true then it would be impossible to be offended. How can someone be offended by something they dont believe in.

Is it hate speech?

Now if someone believes in there own religious belief that there God will send people who dont repent to hell, is that person not just trying to save people from there own Gods wrath because they dont want people to go to hell?. Otherwise they would not care and say nothing. How can they be hating if they are trying to save people in there own religious belief.

There's definitely something going around. I'm just getting over it.
I'm sorry that the news is so late guys I haven't been feeling very well today at all. :sad My head's been hurting and I've been coughing a bit and having a bit of a runny nose.

Might partly be pollen. You were outside breathing pollen during the concert. This year's batch of pollen been particularly intense. Might be something to do with all the precipitation. I've had to run a couple of air filters almost constantly in my house to help keep inflammation in my throat under control. The doctor put a camera into my nose to look at my throat. That was an interesting experience. I pray Lord Jesus continues to improve our bodies so that they work in a normal healthy fashion.

Those silly kitties, always getting into strange places. I'm glad the kitties are okay.

May the Lord bless you.
Todays weather. Its a bit chilly in the country. National cooling. Not global warming.
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