In Today's News

Might partly be pollen. You were outside breathing pollen during the concert. This year's batch of pollen been particularly intense. Might be something to do with all the precipitation. I've had to run a couple of air filters almost constantly in my house to help keep inflammation in my throat under control. The doctor put a camera into my nose to look at my throat. That was an interesting experience. I pray Lord Jesus continues to improve our bodies so that they work in a normal healthy fashion.

Those silly kitties, always getting into strange places. I'm glad the kitties are okay.

May the Lord bless you.

That's true and I can't remember whether or not I've mentioned the fact that it's been raining or not but I must have or you just read about all the rain Ohio has been getting.

Anyways whether it was the cotton or the rain I'm feeling MUCH better today. :) Anyways, there is no news today so I hope everybody has a wonderful rest of the day and God bless. :biggrin
She is the Queen of witches, and probably the most blasphemous human being on this planet, I probably have never known anyone to mock Christianity as much as her. Aside from the article below where she thinks Jesus would approve of killing babies, she said Jesus hanging on the cross and bleeding from his wounds is sexy and sensual, and Jesus is just a "thing". She is just a blasphemous baal and baphamet worshipping anti-christ witch.

When someone turns out as disgusting and immoral and as filthy and antichrist as her rebellion is, it makes me wonder what she experienced as a child growing up in the catholic church. Lots of abuse was going around in her era.

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That's really interesting news about Madonna. I really like a lot of her music (especially Like A Prayer) but I can't stand that attitude of hers! :mad I never even knew that she made mockeries of Jesus. :nonono Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Boy, the Buckeye state has been having a bit of a heatwave lately. It's up in the upper eighties today! :thudSummer has finally come to Ohio ya'all! :cool2 Anyways we don't have much news today so let's hop right to it! :boing

First of all in today's news some adorable puppies were rescued after they were discovered behind a dumpster on Wednesday night. :thumbsup Here's more of the details. :clap

And here's some really great news for cookie dough lovers like myself. :biggrin2

And also a vast amount of mayflies have been swarming in Northeast Ohio. Here's more. :shock

Finally in today's news a Utah woman was charged for letting her own cat lay on her front lawn. Here's more on the story. :rolleyes

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful weekend everybody and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
...welcome to another edition of today's news.

Cookie dough must be treated to zap germs before eating. That new cookie dough must be Pasteurized or something to make it safe. Usually baking is enough to make the batter safe to eat. Its probably best to keep yeast out of anything that will be eaten raw, to avoid yeast infection. Cook bread dough thoroughly before eating.

May the Lord bless you.
Another classic joke.

Dan's linked article by Liam Cochrane said:
Only two other refugees have permanently resettled in Cambodia — another Syrian man and a Rohingya man. The resettlement deal with Cambodia cost Australian taxpayers $55 million...

That's $55 million plus the hundreds of thousands given to the 3 refugees. Wow.
Cookie dough must be treated to zap germs before eating. That new cookie dough must be Pasteurized or something to make it safe. Usually baking is enough to make the batter safe to eat. Its probably best to keep yeast out of anything that will be eaten raw, to avoid yeast infection. Cook bread dough thoroughly before eating.

May the Lord bless you.

Sorry I don't think that anything on earth will get me to stop eating cookie dough. I realize that it's a risk, but it's also a risk that I am willing to take. :lol Btw, it's another break day so there will be no news today. Have a wonderful rest of the day everybody and God bless. :biggrin2
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Thank God for the diesel van that towed a petrol generator to charge an electric car.

...ramming another boat purposely.

That's not acceptable behavior.

The real solution is to remove the cause of civil wars from Mediterranean countries. Bankers started that QE and negative interest rate nonsense, which created food inflation that the poor couldn't afford. Mobs marched on the oil spots in an effort to trade oil for food. Then outsiders got involved, and the resultant civil wars have raged across the region ever since. Millions have fled the wars in terror, or simply gone to Europe in an effort to get food that bankers made unaffordable (to the poor). Debasing the currency rescued bankers, but put the poor in a situation. In effect, bankers took food from the poor, and gave the loot raised to bankers and their allies.

They need honest currency, and for foreigners to settle their differences some other way. Fighting each other by arming various factions across civil war zones has created millions of refugees. Something similar is happening in Venezuela, with millions fleeing to the Texas border. Venezuela has super inflation. Bankers debasing the currency is super regressive, and puts the poor in a real situation. They don't have food stamps in much of Central America or the Middle East to act as a safety net for the poor when bankers "create credit". So the poor roam around searching for food and safety.
Is that an amberjack?

Yea. I like catching yellowtail amberjack. It's my favourite fish, probably because it's the strongest fighting fish in the world. Maybe not the biggest size but they put up the biggest fight. As the saying goes If yellowtail amerjack grew the size of marlin they would be impossible to land.

Some people catch 100lb fish like catfish or something, but it's just dead weight. It's not fishing. Its just lifting in a heavy weight.

In my opinion yellowtail amerjack would be the best fishing species because they would be the best fighting fish for there size, and the most cunning, and if you hook up they will try bust you off on any structure or anything they can, so it makes for the best fishing challenge combo especially on light gear. And when you land one landbased it's worth 3 in a boat.
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I don't know how I guessed amberjack, it kind of just popped in my head.
I don't know how I guessed amberjack, it kind of just popped in my head.

In the picture it looks I used a lure. But it's acturally a live bait that got munched. I just offered it a little snack.
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