In Today's News

Hey guys, due to the fact that the time has slowly been getting away from me, there will be nightly news shortly after I get back from the theaters. :)
Hey everybody, welcome to another (late) edition of tonight's news. :) I enjoyed the movie alright (even though it wasn't the best as I already posted my review for it) and now I'm back to give the news. :biggrin2 So let's get right into tonight's report! :salute

First of all in tonight's news (I keep forgetting to post this by the way) they finally caught the woman who was caught on camera licking some ice cream without paying for it and Here's more of the details.

Also speaking of ice cream, another woman was caught a surveillance video adding her own mucus and saliva to some ice cream and urinating in churning buckets. Here's more.

And the disgusting reports just keep coming after a girl was caught on video licking a tongue depressor and then putting it back. :rolleyes

And also seventy-five years after they were stolen, more than a dozen wallets were discovered at an Illinois high school. Here's more on the story. :mouthdrop

Also in other news the original actress who played Violet Beauregarde in the 1971 film "Willy Wonka and The Chocolate factory" was taken off life support today after suffering a major medical emergency this week. Here's more and my thoughts and prayers go out towards her friends and family members. :pray

And a forty-nine year old woman from Dixon Illinois was arrested after she was recently caught driving around with an inflatable pool up on the roof of her car that contained two children. Here's more. :angry

Also apparently it seems like a major brawl broke out last weekend at the most magical place on earth. Here's more on the story.

Finally in tonight's news (I love ending on happy notes) after a lengthy time away from their owners a dog and a cat were both recently united with their families. :)

Phew! That's all for tonight's news! I hope that everybody has a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2 Btw, tomorrow the news should be on time (if there is any) because even if I go to the beach (which I really hope that the weather's nice and I wind up going) it will be in the morning. Also, here's a little tribute to Violet. :)

You suppose to have a fun time at disneyland. Has anyone ever been there?. I always wanted to go when I was a child.
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You suppose to have a fun time at disneyland.

Ikr? I've never actually been there before but it can't be all that much different than Disney World. Way too much violence in the world today. :nonono
Hey everybody, welcome to another (late) edition of tonight's news. :)

Maybe Blue Bell and other manufacturers will start to put outside safety seals on their products. Ones that people can see in the store. I like safety seals.

Ugh. Jung Soon Wypcha should be taught that food safety is important. That was a terrible thing to do.

Food and medical supplies should be kept safe from dastardly deeds done by bad people.

May the Lord bless you, and keep your food safe.
Today's sport. Everyones a winner.

Unless you lose.
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Hey everybody welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Unfortunately today I couldn't go to the beach like I had wanted to because it was storming this morning and it really isn't safe to go into the water then. :sad Ah well, some other time then. :shrug We have a rather short report to do today so I'm going to go ahead and bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in today's news (another article I keep forgetting to post) a fourteen year old is lucky to be alive after he got shot in the ear last weekend. Here's more on the story.

And an iguana that suffered a broken leg after being thrown in a restaurant back in April is currently waiting to be reunited with her family. Here's more. :)

Also an Ohio man who spray-painted a caboose was sentenced today with a rather creative sentence at that. Here's more of the details.

And also an Ohio woman was recently arrested for abusing several children that she has babysat. Here's more. :mad

Finally in today's news Denise Nickerson (AKA Violet Beauregarde) passed away yesterday at the age of sixty-one. Here's more and my thoughts and prayers go towards her friends and family members. :pray

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Those creative sentences were interesting. Its certainly cheaper for taxpayers, who won't have to pony up for expensive jails.

Maybe the weather there will improve.

May the Lord bless you.

Thank you and may the Lord bless you as well. :) Unfortunately when it rains a lot here it messes with my sinuses though. :(
AAFA said:
If the rains keep pouring down, watch out for a spike in mold, dust, and weed and grass pollen soon after.

Dry weather means better air. Especially if there is a lot of vegetation in your venue. Dry weather keeps grass short, so there is less pollen. People don't have to trim their lawns very often in dry weather, so they are not constantly putting grass stuff into the air. Dry weather also keeps mold away from leaves, so there is less mold in the air too.
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