In Today's News

Only if it puts someone in danger.

A safe date for Halloween seems like a good idea. Safety first.

Pumpkin pie Kit Kat might be interesting.

Stephanie Swedberg is a hero.

May the Lord bless you.

Yeah doesn't that sound great!? I love pumpkin pie! :biggrin2 I sort of like Halloween being on October 31st though. Moving the date wouldn't mean less accidents. Luckily around here drivers seem to know to go slow for the trick-or-treaters.
Yeah doesn't that sound great!? I love pumpkin pie! :biggrin2 I sort of like Halloween being on October 31st though. Moving the date wouldn't mean less accidents. Luckily around here drivers seem to know to go slow for the trick-or-treaters.

Parents should probably take young children to safe events at a local church.
Parents should probably take young children to safe events at a local church.

Oh I don't know about that. I remember when I was a kid I loved dressing up and going trick-or-treating because number one, I loved getting all that free candy! :biggrin2 Anyways, hello everyone and welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I think that we have a shorter report today so it's time to go ahead and bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in today's news forty-two felines were removed from a home in Youngstown Ohio earlier this week with many of them being in extremely poor condition. Here's more of the details. :sad

And there's a new law in South Dakota that is actually making a requirement to bring God back into their schools. Here's more. :biggrin2

Also here's some warnings for pet owners about flea and tick medication and a particular kind of dog treat.

And also three dogs were removed from a home last week after they were discovered in horrible conditions. Here's more. :sad

And I'm not sure what else to put here except this is very disturbing and sickening. :erm

Also checkout this special birthday delivery! :lol

And also a sixty-five million year old Triceratops skull was unearthed early last month by a Medora North Dakota student. Here's more on the story. :shock

And a Perkins Township police officer is being credited with rescuing two little girls from a hot car last weekend. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap

Finally in today's news a ride at the Ohio State Fair has recently been disqualified for visible damage and four others are currently under review. Here's more of the information.

That's all for today's news! (And I guess that it was a little bit more than I thought) Have a wonderful weekend and God's blessings on you. :biggrin
I like the cake shaped like an Amazon delivery box. Funny.

I'm glad the puppies, kittens, and children were rescued.

Keep those rides safe.

May the Lord bless you.

Thank you may the Lord bless you as well. :) I agree with all the above and Ikr? How funny was that! :lol
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I like the cake shaped like an Amazon delivery box. Funny.

I'm glad the puppies, kittens, and children were rescued.

Keep those rides safe.

May the Lord bless you.

Oh yeah, and what did you think about that sixty-five million year old dinosaur skull? Pretty cool right? :wink
I like cake better than bones. Tastier. Especially angel food cake with strawberries or blueberries. Maybe a bit of ice cream on it.
I like cake better than bones. Tastier. Especially angel food cake with strawberries or blueberries. Maybe a bit of ice cream on it.

I hear you there! If you wait for just a few more months you can have some virtual Halloween cake at my second annual virtual spooktactular Halloween party. :biggrin
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a rather brief report today so let's just go ahead and get right to it shall we? :salute

First of all in sports The Cleveland Indians wound up with another victory as they beat The Kansas City Royals eight to three last night! :woot

And the Wooster Police Department is currently investigating the three teenagers who were responsible for attacking a couple of homeless men early Wednesday morning. Here's more of the details and people like this really disgust me! :angry3

Also the Pennsylvania Game Commission is currently trying to figure out just who exactly is responsible for the death of a bald eagle that was discovered Thursday night. Here's more of the information.

And also one park in Ohio is now in the process of fighting to keep one of its main attractions. Here's more on the story.

And after the death, of his father one six year old little boy from Denver Colorado is working really hard to fulfill a promise that he made to him before he died. :)

Finally in today's news justice was served as a Missouri teenager was taught that crime truly doesn't pay. Here's more on the story. :nono

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yesOh and by the way, abuse of the homeless unfortunately is real and it reminded me of this video.

Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

Wow. Some teens are really terrible nowadays. I'm not sure they are going to get into a diversion program for a violent offense like that. What are they teaching children in the schools?

Go Indians.

I like the business owner who asked the teen to hand out flags. That was a good idea.

May the Lord bless you.
Wow. Some teens are really terrible nowadays. I'm not sure they are going to get into a diversion program for a violent offense like that. What are they teaching children in the schools?

Go Indians.

I like the business owner who asked the teen to hand out flags. That was a good idea.

May the Lord bless you.

The problem isn't what the schools are teaching kids nowadays, it's what they're not teaching them that counts. Although I think that if parents did a better job of teaching their children right from wrong, treating other people the way that they want to be treated, and disciplining them when they behave badly then things like this wouldn't happen as often.
Love hearing great stories like the boy who lost his father. But despite that sadness, he is turning something painful into something positive there. Good for him.
The problem isn't what the schools are teaching kids nowadays, it's what they're not teaching them that counts. Although I think that if parents did a better job of teaching their children right from wrong, treating other people the way that they want to be treated, and disciplining them when they behave badly then things like this wouldn't happen as often.

Children spend most of their weekday waking hours at school. That's hard to compete with.
Children spend most of their weekday waking hours at school. That's hard to compete with.

True, but parents should still teach their children how to behave and it really shouldn't be the school's responsibility for the most part.