In Today's News

Parents have to spend time with their children to properly train them up in the way they should go.

Hiring unbelievers to train up their children for most of the day is a recent invention. For centuries, parents spent a lot of time with their children on the family farm.
Parents have to spend time with their children to properly train them up in the way they should go.

Hiring unbelievers to train up their children for most of the day is a recent invention. For centuries, parents spent a lot of time with their children on the family farm.

I think they had a better system in the stone age. Many these days don't even know how to grow food, or even light a candle, they panic when power goes out in a city and when Facebook is down.
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Q. Why did Omar want to go to Philadelphia?

A. Because she heard it's the city of brotherly love.
Parents have to spend time with their children to properly train them up in the way they should go.

Hiring unbelievers to train up their children for most of the day is a recent invention. For centuries, parents spent a lot of time with their children on the family farm.
Just anecdotal but my wife and I raised six children and all went to public school. I never had to bail anyone out of jail.
Oh I don't know about that. I remember when I was a kid I loved dressing up and going trick-or-treating because number one, I loved getting all that free candy! :biggrin2 Anyways, hello everyone and welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I think that we have a shorter report today so it's time to go ahead and bounce right into it! :boing

First of all in today's news forty-two felines were removed from a home in Youngstown Ohio earlier this week with many of them being in extremely poor condition. Here's more of the details. :sad

And there's a new law in South Dakota that is actually making a requirement to bring God back into their schools. Here's more. :biggrin2

Also here's some warnings for pet owners about flea and tick medication and a particular kind of dog treat.

And also three dogs were removed from a home last week after they were discovered in horrible conditions. Here's more. :sad

And I'm not sure what else to put here except this is very disturbing and sickening. :erm

Also checkout this special birthday delivery! :lol

And also a sixty-five million year old Triceratops skull was unearthed early last month by a Medora North Dakota student. Here's more on the story. :shock

And a Perkins Township police officer is being credited with rescuing two little girls from a hot car last weekend. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap

Finally in today's news a ride at the Ohio State Fair has recently been disqualified for visible damage and four others are currently under review. Here's more of the information.

That's all for today's news! (And I guess that it was a little bit more than I thought) Have a wonderful weekend and God's blessings on you. :biggrin
I am not exceptionally enthusiastic on the posting of "In God We Trust" on school walls.
I am not confident that a majority of Americans thoughtfully do trust in God.
As a Christian I regard that as an ideal. But not a statement of fact for most.
I find it interesting that so many Christians criticize the public school systems and say Christians should not trust their kids to them but want to have the same public school teachers use bibles in the classroom and have prayer officially returned to public schools. I don't have a lot of expectation that a majority of school teachers are going to competently convey Christian perspectives to kids. I think it would actually prove counter productive.
I think they had a better system in the stone age. Many these days don't even know how to grow food, or even light a candle, they panic when power goes out in a city and when Facebook is down.

Here's the thing. Olden day population was a few hundred thousand. Modern farming machines now produce food for billions. A return to hunting and gathering would mean a return to pre machine population levels. The mega cities would be toast. Few fish there.
Parents have to spend time with their children to properly train them up in the way they should go.

Hiring unbelievers to train up their children for most of the day is a recent invention. For centuries, parents spent a lot of time with their children on the family farm.

What makes you think that all instructors are unbelievers? I had quite a few teachers that were saved.

Just anecdotal but my wife and I raised six children and all went to public school. I never had to bail anyone out of jail.
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Well done! :thumbsup You all look great together by the way. :biggrin What a big (and beautiful) family! :mouthdrop
Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have another pretty short report today so let's just go right ahead and hop to it! :boing

First of all in today's news a twenty-one year old man who had been bedridden for eleven years discovered a way to cure himself. Here's more on this incredible story. :shock

And in sports The Cleveland Indians managed to beat The Kansas City Royals last night with an astounding final score of nine to one! :woot

Also the voice of Minnie Mouse for the past few decades (Russi Taylor) passed away on Friday at the age of seventy-five years old. :sad Here's more of the details and my thoughts and prayers go out towards her family and friends. :pray

And also this is what happens when you don't pickup after your dog lol! :lol

And a Florida woman woke up early yesterday morning to find a surprise visitor in her swimming pool. :eek2

Finally in today's news a Florida man is currently recovering after his neck was recently sliced by a piece of patio furniture. Here's more of the details and I hope and pray that he recovers soon. :)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Hello everybody, I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend and welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I'm not sure how much news that we have today, so let's get right to it then shall we? :salute

First of all in today's news a little girl born with a disability was mocked and ridiculed with a hateful letter. Here's more of the details. :angry3

And a woman from Memphis Tennessee woke up on Friday morning to discover an uninvited visitor sleeping in her bed. Here's more. :eek2

Also here's the latest details on trying to change the date of Halloween.

Finally in today's news a forty-two year old Kentucky woman was recently arrested after her son poured boiling water over another child as part of the viral hot water challenge. Here's more on the story. :mad

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin
Hello everybody, I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend and welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

I think I'll stay away from that hotel with the snakes.

Some children do outrageous things. Many children are not being trained up right.

May the Lord bless you.
Hey guys due to the fact that it's so late as I didn't have time to type out the news earlier, I'm just going to copy and paste the articles for the night. :sorry

That's unbelievable what that woman did to potatoes. Ugh. I hope they keep food safe for people.

Poor brave puppy in Lorain. Defending his family. I'm glad they got the perps on video, so they can keep people safe.

I'm glad they identified those culprits from the church baseball bat incident. People should be safe on church grounds.

May the Lord bless you.
Hey everybody and welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a much shorter report today so I'm going to go ahead and hop right to it! :boing

First of all in today's news I've heard of rather strange assault charges before but this one takes the cake.

And the life of a three year old little boy from China was miraculously saved after he was caught from falling to his death from the sixth floor balcony. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap:clap:clap

Also a sixty-five year old woman from Cashion Oklahoma was tased after refusing to sign her broken taillight ticket and assaulting him. Here's more of the details. :nono

And also the woman who was accused of urinating on potatoes at Walmart has reportedly turned herself in. Here's more.

Finally in today's news I just had to share this act of compassion. :)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin
Hey everybody and welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

I'm glad they have video of the potatoes in that store. They need to keep food safe.

Children should be careful when playing. They are not allowed to hurt others.

Many people hate that roadside revenue collection stuff, but they should vote it out. They are not allowed to kick police officers. Keep it peaceful.

May the Lord bless you.