In Today's News

The weather has been shocking the last week. Windy, cold, rain.

Ugh! That sucks for you. We've been having such beautiful weather lately. :) Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news. I'm not sure how long of a report that we have today so let's get right to it shall we? :salute

First of all in today's news the governor of Illinois signed a law on Friday that would make LBTQ history a requirement in public schools. Here's more of the outrageous details. :rolleyes

And a black bear broke into a Colorado house last night and made his presence well-known. :eek2

Also a six year old little girl from Phoenix Arizona decided to setup a lemonade stand to help the homeless. Here's more on the story and great job Ellie! :thumbsup

And also police in Brooklyn Heights are currently investigating after an eight year old little girl was struck by a hit-and-run driver yesterday. Here's more of the details.

And a woman who tried to trick her Twitter followers into thinking that she was going for a hike was recently called out by her sister. :lol

Also this is why you should never play with fire kids as a seven year old little boy from Dallas Texas accidentally started a fire by playing with a lighter. :nono

And also a man wound up fighting off a grizzly bear by using the pocket knife that his father gave him.

Finally in today's (actually now tonight's) news checkout a fight that recently broke out between a father and his daughter all over a slice of pizza. :mouthdrop

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
That's amazing about the man who fought off the bear.

Carly is bringing truth to the Internet.

Chipasha needs to take anger management training.

May the Lord bless you.

I agree with everything you said, may the Lord bless you as well,.. and yes that is amazing about the man who fought off the bear, but I would rather stay away from them just like the sharks.
Hey, I just wanted to let everybody on here know that there will be no news today. So I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, will have a wonderful rest of the day and God bless. :biggrin
It just proves how good we are. Losing two games in a row is not normal. Lol. You have to lose sometimes. Why be the best all the time.

It's nearly world cup, why would they give there strategy away.

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The grass is not greener wherever you go.

Dan's article said:
They don’t argue about whether health care is a basic human right...

The USA is the only country on earth that throws people to the lobbyist wolves to such a degree (making things needlessly expensive). The only first world country that doesn't make an organized attempt to cover all of their citizens.
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I'm not sure how long of a report that we have today so I'm going to get right to it! :salute

First of all in today's news an adorable little kitten was discovered at Progressive Field last night and I sure hope that she finds a home soon. :)

And find out how this adorable baby raccoon is learning to get around thanks to a new set of wheels. :biggrin2

Also in a really bad case of animal cruelty a recently released video showed a girl putting a dog into a dryer and turning it on. Here's more of the disturbing details. :mad

And also a woman from Pennslyvania Philadelphia was recently charged after police claim that she attacked her three year old daughter with a machete. Here's more. :sad

Also a seventy-two year old man's set of dentures got caught in his throat during surgery and nobody noticed for about a week. Here's more on the story. :eek2

And here's a warning for dog lovers and dog owners everywhere.

And also it might still be a couple of months until Halloween, but this next story is still horrific. :shock

Also I have heard stories about items being taken off the front porch, but I've never heard of leaving them. Apparently though, a lot of people in Virginia have. Here's more on this rather bizarre story.

Finally in sports, even though it wasn't by much The Cleveland Indians wound up beating The Boston Red Sox last night with a final score of six to five. :woot

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

What's with the machetes in Phil? That's what was used in Rwanda to murder 1 million Tutsis.

I wonder what that watcher stuff was all about.

The elderly should remove their dentures before surgery.

Keep your puppies away from algae ponds.

May the Lord bless you.
What's with the machetes in Phil? That's what was used in Rwanda to murder 1 million Tutsis.

I wonder what that watcher stuff was all about.

The elderly should remove their dentures before surgery.

Keep your puppies away from algae ponds.

May the Lord bless you.

May the Lord bless you as well and I'm not sure what that watcher stuff was about either as I originally thought they were going to talk more about it, but TV man left me feeling just as confused if not more. :confused2
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I'm not sure how long of a report we have today so let's just hop to it! :boing

First of all in today's news a woman from Chesterfield County Virginia is currently seeking answers after her dog's veterinary care was delayed after he received an injury at a local PetSmart. Here's more on the story.

And although normally you wouldn't want to share your house with pigs, find out why one Minneapolis military veteran is currently in a battle to get his back. (Thank you for your service Larry! :salute)

Also a New Mexico man was recently arrested and charged with animal cruelty after his cat tested positive for methamphetamines. Here's more. :sad

And also police in Massachusetts recently posted a video earlier this week as a reminder of what happens or can happen when you text and drive. :nono

And a fourteen year old girl was killed Monday night and four others were injured when some falling rocks hit their car. Here's more on the story and my thoughts and prayers go towards their friends and family members. :pray

Also the daycare where five children perished in a fire over the weekend wasn't inspected for smoke detectors. Here's more of the details. :sad

And also the tooth of a Woolly Mammoth was discovered last month by a twelve year old boy from Millersburg Ohio. Here's more and congratulations Jackson! :thumbsup

And a four year old little boy with special needs was asked to leave an Outback Steakhouse restaurant after receiving a complaint from one of the other customers. Here's more. :sad

Also jail time for people who decide to disobey the school bus laws may become a reality this school year in one county in Ohio. Here's more of the information.

Finally in sports although it wasn't by much The Cleveland Indians still managed to lose to the Boston Red Sox during last night's game with a final score of seven to six. :sad

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Never applogise for another individuals actions.

Maybe she feared her family would be subject to some kind of counter attack, or legal action, and wanted to make sure people understood that none of the others were violent. The media was all over the place.
Maybe she feared her family would be subject to some kind of counter attack, or legal action, and wanted to make sure people understood that none of the others were violent. The media was all over the place.

All you have to do is condemn the attack, no need to appologise for another individuals actions even if it is a family member. No one is responsible for another person's actions even some morons in this world think they are.

What are they sorry for when they did nothing.
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Hmm,.. interesting. I'm still glad that there aren't any sharks at our beaches because I would rather stay away from them.
Sheesh,if I,worried about the news like you as i have a septic tank ,cheaper and no its better then pumping sewer into a created cleaning marsh or down into the ground thousands of feet,I wouldn't take a crap,go outside ,breathe etc.

Life guards do wonders .now that said I hate the beach despite my often need for work to go there . i can hear the ocean from routes i have