In Today's News

racism is alive and well in these United States. can't speak for other places. i think the outbursts are becoming more violent because of economic problems.
racism is alive and well in these United States. can't speak for other places. i think the outbursts are becoming more violent because of economic problems.
I don't know for sure about economics
I think some people are feeling more emboldened to express it in today's political climate.
We have a nationalistic president. He has described himself as a nationalist.
The America First slogan comes from that perspective.
Historically that perspective and political philosophy has worked most vigorously when a identifiable people group are in effect the "nation" whether that is the intent of the leaders or not.

Not so dumb considering people conceive of robots. It's possible some bias that isn't realized at work.
Darth Vader is evil and black. The emperor is evil and wears black. Good guys in the white hats in old westerns. Black magic.
Black hearted.

When talking about the manufacturing industry there are other elements to consider for robots design. White is easily seen in most enviornments and likely a very cheep pigment. If you want your robot to be noticed and bought, as well as make them cheaper to maximize profits then white is likely a good choice. (Also on the points of most other colors, they fade over times, some more then others). For a sleek and clean look I can see why white is chosen over blue or red, or orange. For a visibility ratio I can see why white is chosen over grays, black, and shades of color.

Not every decision is based on race or racism. I feel like racism has been turned into a witch hunt by some people. With the color of robots being an example of this exaggeratedly weird accusation. Let racism be an accusation only when there's merit behind it. Otherwise the whole thing is tossed by those who see the ridiculousness of these studies and researches, making it easier for real harm to come through because less people pay attention when race is played as a complaint.
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) I'm not sure what all we have tonight, so let's just hop right to it shall we? :boing

First of all in tonight's news Dog The Bounty Hunter's store was burglarized earlier this week. Here's more of the details.

And speaking of dogs, checkout what Cuyahoga Falls has decided to do for owners on the go. :)

Also wonderful news for the five year old little boy who was thrown off a mall balcony back in April as he has recently been moved out of intensive care and into a rehabilitation program.

Finally in tonight's news checkout this new interesting plant that The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo has.

Well that's actually it for tonight's news. So have a wonderful rest of the night and God's blessings on you! :biggrin
One quick thing about what Dog the Bounty Hunter said in the interview video,.. I thought that only blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was unforgiveable? :confused
I don't know what Bible verse Dog is thinking of.

I don't think I want any of those flowers in my backyard.

I'm happy that boy is okay.

May the Lord bless you.

May the Lord bless you as well and since there won't be any news today, have a wonderful day and enjoy the rest of your weekend! :biggrin2
Hey everybody, I just wanted to let you all know that there will be no news again today, but I hope that you all had a wonderful rest of the weekend, and enjoy the rest of your day and God bless! :biggrin
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I don't know how long of a report that we have today, but let's get right to it shall we? :salute

First of all in today's news the seventy-nine year old woman accused of feeding stray cats will not be receiving any jail time for it. Here's more.

And a toilet exploded in Florida after a bit of lightning struck a septic tank this weekend. Here's more of the details. :eek2

Also multiple sharks were spotted yesterday at Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. Here's more of the frightening details. :shock

And also even though it wasn't by much the Texas Rangers wound up beating The Cleveland Indians last night with a final score of one to zero last night. :sad

And a young boy for Medina Ohio successfully raised for than eleven thousand dollars for Saint Jude's Hospital by selling his pig at the fair. Here's more on the story and congratulations Austin and Logan! :thumbsup

Also apparently the corpse flower at the Cleveland Zoo is starting to get ready to bloom.

And also another shark report as three people were bitten over the weekend from a shark attack. Here's more on the story. :eek2

Finally in today's news it was a medical miracle for little two year old Cooper Kilburn who was born not being able to breathe on his own. Here's more on this incredible story. :')

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
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Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

People might have to start carrying shark repellent when they go to some beaches.

Maybe someone will adopt those kitties, and keep them off of the street.

I still don't want one of those flowers in my backyard. I like flowers that smell good.

May the Lord bless you.
People might have to start carrying shark repellent when they go to some beaches.

Maybe someone will adopt those kitties, and keep them off of the street.

I still don't want one of those flowers in my backyard. I like flowers that smell good.

May the Lord bless you.

May the Lord bless you too but I didn't know there was such a thing as shark repellent, or did you just make that up? Also I agree with you as I wouldn't want to have that flower in my backyard either but it would be really rather interesting to find out if it actually smells like death. Oh and really I hope that those kitties find a home soon as well. :)
Hello welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a really short report today but before I get to it, I was sort of wondering how the people who lost their toilet are managing to relieve themselves. :confusedWell anyways, let's jump right into today's report! :boing

First of all in today's news a woman (who was falsely in my opinion) imprisoned for fifteen years for shooting the man who bought her for sex was released early this morning. Here's more of the details.

And in one of the most disturbing acts of hate crimes that I've ever heard of a woman and her husband came home to discover that somebody (or possibly more than one person) caused their house to explode and vandalized it. Here's more on the story and it sickens me that people like this really do exist!! :mad

Also apparently the corpse flower that I have been talking about for quite awhile now is finally in bloom!

Finally in today's news one mother from Pinson Alabama who decided to share a hateful letter that somebody left in her mailbox is now receiving a lot of kindness from strangers. Here's more. :)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God bless. :biggrin2
Hello welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

That was nice of neighbors to help that poor family take care of their yard and home.

The flower is pretty. I still prefer flowers that smell good though.

I hope they keep people safe in their homes.

May the Lord bless you.
That was nice of neighbors to help that poor family take care of their yard and home.

The flower is pretty. I still prefer flowers that smell good though.

I hope they keep people safe in their homes.

May the Lord bless you.

May the Lord bless you as well, I agree with everything you said above and yes we're always supposed to feel safe and secure within the walls of our own homes and it's really sad when some people can't. :(