In Today's News

That's OK. It took me 4 years of undergraduate biology to remember gametic orientation.
I did that's why I edit but you quoted after i edit. Anyhow XX, XY, these days it's doesn't matter right?. Anyone can give birth.

Not really. Those Australian births were to women who dress as men. Their DNA is still XX. They still have the necessary physical attributes.
Not really. Those Australian births were to women who dress as men. Their DNA is still XX. They still have the necessary physical attributes.

Why do some people want to destroy language and confuse the masses.

I mean biologically in humans there is either XX and XY and a written name is given for each one, one is called Male and the other is called Female. It's just a lie twisting language. XX is not male and female and XY is not male and female. Only one can get pregnant and give birth, and it's not a dude.

I think the only time everyone is XX is at conception or something like that before any development.
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I think the only time everyone is XX is at conception or something like that before any development.
Yes, at conception even if you are conceived XY, the Y chromosome doesn't begin its influence for some 6 weeks, so initial development is pretty much all female. After the initial 5-7 gestation period, a gene will activate the Y, which begins to impose male characteristics on the developing zygote.

We all exit the starting gate as girls, until a sleepy gene awakes and begins its characteristic pattern of genetic dominance. Honestly, I don't know how women put up with us.
Hey guys, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :) Since I'm pressed for time and I really don't feel like reporting tonight anyways, it will be a copy and paste night tonight.

Today's weather. Miserable.

Too bad. :sad It's beautiful here today that's why I'm really glad that I get to go to the beach this evening. :shades Anyways, there is no news today so I hope that everybody enjoys the rest of their day and God bless! :biggrin
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a rather lengthy report today so I'm just going to hop to it since I have a family gathering to go to soon. :boing

First of all in today's news, a six year old little girl is hoping to make a big difference when it comes to one particular plaything. Here's more on the story.

And a drug charge against a quarterback was dropped when the white substance discovered on the hood of his car was identified as bird poop. Here's more. :erm

Also a flight attendant from Chicago Illinois was fired after reportedly being drunk on an airplane. Here's more of the details. :nono

And also a bear bit a sleeping man yesterday in a campground in Moab Utah. Here's more. :eek2

And an Illinois nursing home was sued after one of their patients was taunted. Here's more of the details. :nono

Also checkout this really interesting addition to one cathedral located in eastern England.

And also in sports The Cleveland Indians wound up beating The Minnesota Twins six to two in last night's game! :woot

And Delaware has officially become the first US state that bans kill shelters. :thumbsup

Also one pastor in Ashtabula Ohio is trying to figure out who is responsible for vandalizing an old elementary school. Here's more on the rather sad and disturbing details. :sad

And on account of the recent events, Walmart has decided to pull all of its violent games, videos, signs, and displays. Here's more. :nonono

Also apparently Jupiter, the sun, and the moon will all be lined up in the sky this weekend. Here's more of the information.

And also the man that was found responsible for sexually abusing dozens of underage girls was found dead in his cell this morning but apparent suicide. Here's more of the details.

Finally in today's news, an eleven year old little boy and his nine year old little sister setup a lemonade stand to help find a place to live while their mother battles serious cancer. Here's more on the story.

That's all for today's news! I hope that everybody has a wonderful rest of the day and weekend and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

They arrested someone for bird droppings being on his car? I wonder if some of the drug warriors may have lost their way. They are supposed to be protecting people.

I hope they protect the churches.

Nurses are supposed to help people.

Go Indians.

May the Lord bless you.
They arrested someone for bird droppings being on his car? I wonder if some of the drug warriors may have lost their way. They are supposed to be protecting people.

I hope they protect the churches.

Nurses are supposed to help people.

Go Indians.

May the Lord bless you.

Yeah, I know right? I wonder why the droppings tested positive for cocaine at first though. :confused Also although the elder woman with Dementia shouldn't have been taunted, there could have been worse things said about her. I really think they should come out with female toy soldiers as well. :) Oh yeah, and may the Lord bless you as well. :nod