In Today's News

Some pursue violent jihad against all NATO countries, because they are allied with countries bombing their homelands.
So that means nations should have strong boarders to try prevent terrorist attacks.
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Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I'm going to try and hurry this up because I want to work on trying to understand today's online Bible lesson. :bible I'm currently a little stressed out with it and with everything that I have been doing today but I'm still going to try the best I can because I really do want to learn it. :yes Anyways,...

First of all in today's news the tragic death of a nine year old little boy will literally be the difference between life and death for somebody else. Here's more on the story.

And an investigation is currently underway for a man and a woman that were found dead in an apparent murder/suicide. Here's more of the information.

And also McDonald's has launched a new (MacCoin) coin in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Big Mac. :)

Also a desperate phone call has linked a man with his wife and two great-grandkids before they passed away in a wildfire. Here's more of the details.

And The Cleveland Indians succeeded in their victory yesterday over the Detroit Tigers with an astonishing score of eight to one!! :woot

Finally in today's news, in your daily dose of cute, Florida firefighters have successfully rescued three baby turtles from a storm drain. :) Aww,.. how cute!

Well, that's all for today's news and now that I'm not trying to do fifty freaking things at once and Jim Parker has explained to me is all that I have to do with the classes is get what I can get out of it, I'm feeling MUCH better now! :biggrin So have a wonderful day and God bless!
Hurray for McDonald's. We need an honest global currency. I hope they keep it up.

Go Indians.

I'm happy that they rescued those cute turtles.

Have a wonderful day too. May the Lord bless you, and grant you Bible wisdom.
Hindus and Muslims don't get along. That's why the Brits gave them separate countries.
Oh, I thought multiculturalism was suppose to work.
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Europe used to be intolerant, persecuting anyone from a different denomination. That changed with the 30 Years War. Armies from different denominations rampaged across Central Europe. Maybe half the population of Central Europe was zapped. After this the people rebelled against leaders choosing the religion of their subjects. The Peace of Westphalia allowed freedom of choice. The USA took this one step further, guaranteeing freedom of religion in the Constitution. Many parts of the world still persecute anyone not part of the official religion. E pluribus unum is unlikely in these circumstances.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) First of all in today's news a parking garage in Texas collapsed today but thankfully there weren't any injuries reported.

And the cause of death of the officer who passed away after a training exercise has been released. Here's more of the details.

And also in a rather strange and bizarre story, a man's limbs were amputated after being licked by a dog. :eek2Here's more on the story.

Also a man from Canada was fired after he was captured on video swerving to hit puddles and splash unsuspecting pedestrians. In the words of Stephanie Tanner,... (from Full House and Fuller House) How rude! :hips

And in sports the Minnesota Twins beat the Cleveland Indians last night with a very close ending score of five to four. Ah well, hopefully they'll get them next time. :shrug

Also a smoking ban in public housing is currently in effect all a crossed America. Here's more of the information.

And in a rather sweet and touching story a Lake county policeman and the local fire department are responsible for bringing new life into the world. :) Here's more on the story.

Also, in a shocking turn of events, watch what one man did with his gun in the following video. :mouthdrop

Finally in today's news, a man from Parma Ohio was (unfairly in my opinion) cited after he freed a couple of dogs trapped in a car. Here's more on the story.

Well, that's all for today's news. Have a wonderful day everybody and stay tuned for more news to come! :yes
I wonder what caused the rhabdomyolysis, and what the supplement was. A lot of unanswered questions.

Probably best if most people don't smoke.

Everybody had a different story on the dog. They should check the security cam for the real scoop.

You have a wonderful day too.
Unfortunate in Britain, but not as intense as slaughtering whole towns because they were a different denomination. The Peace of Westphalia still holds.

Diaphoresis suggest medical evaluation would be appropriate in Vero.