In Today's News

Alex has an estimated net worth of $5 million. His talk has been quite lucrative for him.

I'm not a big fan of Jones but this is more about freedom of speech and the press.

The biggest social media tech giants took down Jones all within around 12 hours of one another.
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Alex is free to say whatever he wants to say. On his own web site, radio show, or the web sites of his followers. Nothing in the Constitution requires other people to distribute his works. He has freedom of speech, but so do other people.
Everybody has free speech. Not everybody has the ability to transmit their free speech to the multitudes. A rich person can buy a newspaper or website, and get his free speech transmitted to billions around the world. A poor person's free speech might only be heard by a few people in his locale.

Both have free speech. Free speech is not the same as ability to transmit it to other people.

Thomas Paine was fired from his first printing job for printing incendiary materials. He self published, and distributed his material at cost. He didn't make a dime publishing it. His work was influential in starting the American Revolution. He had to do it all himself, without making millions demanded by some today.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Just so you know tomorrow's news is going to be a bit late since I'm going to be gone half the day. Anyways, let's jump right into today's report since it isn't very long.

First of all in today's news a seventeen year old girl was hospitalized after she fell from a moving vehicle last evening. Here's more.

And Disney has announced a new technique to help children look forward to going to sleep at bedtime. :) Here's more of the information.

And also apparently an eleven year old little girl was shot by a taser gun for shoplifting. Here's more of the details.

And also it's official now. It looks like singing sensation Carrie Underwood is expecting baby number two in the spring. :thumbsupCongratulations Isaiah, you're going to be a big brother! :clap

Also the Woodmere Police Department have successfully identified the man who allegedly carjacked a vehicle with an infant inside of it. Here's more.

And also the former mayor of Macedonia was arrested on Monday for burglary and violating a protection order. Here's more of the details.

And it was a close call for a family in Medina as a horrendous thunderstorm occurred there last night and lightning nearly destroyed their home. Here's more on the story.

Also a New York police officer is being declared a heroine after she risked her own life to save a boy who tried to end his. I salute you Officer Cavallo! :salute

And the driver of a SUV has blamed her flip-flops as the cause of an automobile accident. :eek2Here's more on the story.

And also the Minnesota Twins unfortunately took victory over the Cleveland Indians during last night's game. :sad Ah well, you can't win them all. :shrug

Also tragically the remains of a boy were found during his search in a New Mexico compound. :sad Here's more of the details and my thoughts and prayers go towards his friends and family. :pray

And find out how schools in Willoughby and Eastlake plan on making their schools safer.

Finally in today's news justice has been served after a Cleveland man was indicted for running a dog fighting ring. :thumbsup Here's more on the story.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful day and God bless you all! :biggrin
Wow. They are allowed to use tasers on 7 year olds for petty stuff.

Nice security film on school windows. I wonder if homeowners can buy that.

Wear decent shoes while driving. Nothing that can get stuck in the pedals.

Good work Officer Jessie Ferreira Cavallo.

May the Lord bless you also, and have a wonderful day.
I just wanted to let you guys know that today's report will be after I get back from my haircut after supper. So stay tuned this evening. :)
In more local community news (for this corner of the internet)
I'm in the middle of getting a new Temp agency...I get to keep the same job, at the same location, but for a different agency and make 10% more money.

The job I'm on won't change...but I'll get a raise. :woot2:sohappy
I'm not worth it but demand keeps I keep raising my expectations of pay.
I'm an electrical prostitute... meaning I do Electrical work for money. It's not love or's strictly business. No contractor would even consider having any loyalty to crew...I feel no need to have any for them.
Welcome to another edition of today's news or rather more like tonight's news. :) Sorry that it's much later than expected.:oops Anyways here's today's report.

First of all in today's news a recently released video has shown a group of people desperately trying to save a seven year old little boy from drowning. Here's more on the story.

And another video has captured a teenaged girl being pushed off a sixty foot bridge. :eek2Thoughts and prayers go towards her friends and family that she recovers soon. :pray

And also an elder woman who was driving while intoxicated was arrested for driving with her granddaughter in the car. Here's more of the information.

Also, a nine year old little boy was honored by the Kent Police and Fire Department for heroically summoning for help after noticing the fact that his neighbor's house was on fire. :clap:clap:clap Way to go Brandon! You're da man! :thumbsup

And a recently married man sure wasn't expecting to be a hero on his wedding day, but shortly after the ceremony he saved somebody who was drowning. :clap:clap:clap Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

Also an Akron man was arrested and charged yesterday for drug trafficking after two armed men broke into his house and robbed him. Here's more of the details.

And a man was very disappointed and traumatized to discover that the gravestone that he had been grieving at for thirty years wasn't the real grave of his daughter. :mouthdrop Which I can't say that I blame him either. :sad Here's more.

And also a sixteen year old girl was arrested for the death of a seven year old boy yesterday afternoon. Here's more of the details.

And firefighters from Euclid Ohio worked desperately in freeing a driver from a car that crashed into a guardrail early this morning. Here's more of the information.

Also this just in, the Cleveland Indians won today's game against the Minnesota Twins! :woot2

And find out why this sixty-eight year old granny shot a man who entered her home.

And also the original Aerosmith tour van was recently discovered in the woods after four decades! :shock

Also, one woman in Austin Texas had a very creative response when she was told to cover up for breastfeeding her child. :lol

Finally in today's/tonight's news, a couple in New Jersey were arrested and charged when their children were discovered confined in rather small windowless boxes. :mad Here's more on the story.

That's all for today's/tonight's news! Have a wonderful night and stay tuned for more news to come! :yes (looks like a lot of good news tonight by the way :biggrin)