In Today's News

Go Indians.

Zak said:
' See you've got to listen to your wife because otherwise, you're in trouble," said Zac.

Lucky the first responders came along in time. They were both stuck out there. Maybe he should have brought along a float or something.

Fortunate that someone who could swim and a nurse were nearby in Lyndhurst. The boy's father jumped in, but didn't know how to swim. He wasn't able to get his son out by himself.

I hope those children stop jumping off of that bridge, and pushing others who won't jump. That is a silly thing to do.

You have a wonderful day too.
That Australian cowboy in the picture is riding a motorcycle instead of a horse. Newfangled technology.
Sometimes the news gets too much because its always negative.
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Welcome to another edition of today's/tonight's news. :) Thankfully we have a very short news report since unfortunately I am running late again. I have been extremely busy today even though I have been at home all day. First of here's a forum news update. For those of you who are not already aware of this, I have started going by my middle name Rose a bit since I actually prefer it over April but you can still call me either one. :yes Anyways, on with today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news a mountain lion in Boulder Colorado broke into a home and tragically killed the owner's cat. :sad Here's more of the details.

And a man from Akron Ohio was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his mother. Here's more of the information.

Finally in today's news an abandoned Pitbull was tragically killed two weeks after its adoption. :sad Here's more of the details.

Well that's all for today's/tonight's news report! (I told you it was short,.. and apparently also very depressing) Well, I hope you all have a goodnight's rest anyway and God bless each and every single one of you! Have a great weekend! :woot3
Poor kitty.

Poor puppy.

What a terrible thing to do with that machete.

May the Lord bless you too Rose.
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Alex should start his own social media web site. Then he can provide equal free speech to the poor.

The rich rules over the poor... Proverbs 22:7a NKJV