In Today's News

Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) (Which by the way I decided that I liked the name of April better than I thought I did although I still prefer Rose. :yes) We have a bigger report than yesterday's but it still isn't very much.

First of all in today's news a suicidal airline employee stole the plane and crashed it before losing his life. Here's more of the information.

And in a very tragic and heartbreaking story, an orca was carrying her dead calf and mourning it for a lengthy amount of time. :crying Here's more on the story.

Also, believe it or not a technical problem has delayed NASA's trip to the sun. Here's more of the information

And also an unconscious man from Cleveland was successfully rescued from the water this morning. :thumbsup Here's more of the details.

Finally in today's news for sports, The Chicago White Sox wound up beating The Cleveland Indians one to nothing last night. :sad At least it isn't by much.

That's all for today's news. Have a wonderful rest of the day everybody and stay tuned for more news to come! :biggrin2
Those F-15s were right on that plane quickly. They take hijacking seriously now.

75 may be a bit old to be doing a triathlon.

Its good that NASA is taking their time with that spacecraft, and getting it right before launching.

You have a wonderful day too.
An f 16,fa 18 can slow down to fly along side a single engine cesnna or by plane
I have decided to stay away from the news now. The News is giving me a headache.

But I will share a fun fact of the day. Did you know it was a Kiwi who first split the atom and is the Father of Nuclear Physics.
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And the first person to conquor Mt Everest.
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I would name myself but I haven't really achieved anything great. Lol. No nobel prize yet.
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Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Sorry, I would have done this sooner but I have been extremely busy today so far. As you all can see I decided to change my avatar back into the unicorn. (I love unicorns! :biggrin2) Anyways, we don't have a very long report today either. (I can't believe that we're approaching the middle of August already when it seems like this month just started. :eek2) Anyways, let's get on with today's report shall we?

First of all in today's news a seventy-eight year old man was severely injured from a fire that he caused by smoking in bed. Here's more of the details.

And a Republican candidate for the Florida State House allegedly faked a diploma from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Here's more on the story.

Also a seventy-five year old man who was rescued during the Triathlon race passed away yesterday morning. Here's more of the information.

And also the NASA spacecraft gave us a closer look at the sun today than we ever did before. Here's more.

And in sports, The Chicago White Sox took victory over The Cleveland Indians last night! :woot

And also prayers are needed after seventeen people were injured in a car accident in Cleveland this afternoon. :pray Here's more of the information.

And it appears that dog DNA is currently being used to tell which dog owners don't pick up after their pets. Here's more of the details.

Finally in today's news, apparently a rapid beaver attack was caught on film! :shock

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and God bless! :biggrin
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We should have sport news, and weather updates.
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My Internet is working again, for now. So I better post while it is still working.

I like the idea of DNA being used to protect the public. People should scoop.

Go Indians. Maybe future world series champions.

Wow. Its not good to transport children in the back of a pick up like that. I hope they are okay.

May the Lord bless you also.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I sure hope that you're having a good day so far (even though it is Monday) and here's another report. :salute (by the way, we used to have a weather thread but it sort of died down and lost its popularity)

First of all in today's news, a woman from North Carolina is warning other parents about the dangers of mosquito bites. Here's more of the information.

Also a couple in Canton Ohio were charged after a three year old little boy fell out of a second story window.

And also police in New Jersey came to the rescue for a bride and groom who had trouble making it to their wedding. :thumbsup Here's more on the story.

And a family that was evacuated due to a fire came back home to find that their fish were well taken care of. :) Here's more on the story.

And also the officials down in Seattle Washington have confirmed that the airplane that crashed at the end of last week had human remains that were stolen from it. Here's more of the information.

Also the police of Kent State University are currently under investigation of an attempted abduction that occurred early yesterday morning at just of the edge of the campus. Here's more of the details.

And also the orca mother's grief over her calf's death apparently has finally ended. Here's more.

Finally in today's news, a search party is currently underway after one Ohio man never returned from his hike. I hope and pray that they find him soon. :pray

That's all for today's news and stay tuned for more news to come! :yes
