In Today's News

Lol. Fair enough. Some of those opera singers can shatter glass and give people a headache. That is disturbing the peace.
so can the guy who revs his racing engine across the ave which I live near and has it inside his garage, he does so at 10pm and at 11pm on the weekends.
so can the guy who revs his racing engine across the ave which I live near and has it inside his garage, he does so at 10pm and at 11pm on the weekends.

My last neighbour used to blast the same song every sunday morning at the same time and play it over and over. My peace was fully disturbed. Lol. It was that song that goes I just can't get you out of my head La La la. And there lounge was close to my bedroom so it was loud. I never want to hear that song again.
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My last neighbour used to blast the same song every sunday morning at the same time and play it over and over. My peace was fully disturbed. Lol. It was that song that goes I just can't get you out of my head La La la. And there lounge was close to my bedroom window so it was loud. I never want to hear that song again.
Church bells rings loud ,shoot I can hear fooseball games on a good night.
So why did they wait 16 years? The dog and music should have been dealt with promptly. Dealing with the dog would have solved the other situation before it started. Neighborhood mediation might be a good idea there.

Fences, security cams, locks, intercom, and extra guards. Might work at Marjory.

What are they teaching at McKinley? Should teach students to be good citizens, not fight like that.

Indians are doing fabulous.

May the Lord bless you too.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I have a really rather sad news report to begin with. The legendary Aretha Franklin has passed away today at the age of seventy six. :sad Rest in peace Aretha. :halo

And even though I personally can't stand snakes, I have to admit that this one is rather cute (looking at the picture, I wouldn't want to touch it or hold it though since it is literally of the devil) and it was unfortunately stolen from a Richland Count humane society. Here's more.

And also a fourteen year old student was stabbed multiple times during a school assembly in Oklahoma. Here's more of the details.

Also, the king of rock and roll's mobile home is currently up for auction. :eek2 Here's more of the information.

And the RTA in Cleveland Ohio currently needs help with identifying a suspect that was involved in an attack that occurred a few months ago.

And also in sports The Cleveland Indians have won a game for a third time in a row against the Cincinnati Reds! :woot

And find out how football coach found a way to handle bullying. Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

Finally in today's news,.. (I am cringing as I am writing this and I almost didn't but I felt that it was rather interesting so,.. ) This has surely got to be painful and I have absolutely no idea how this didn't bother her because it bothers me just thinking about it and I don't even wear contact lenses, but a woman's contact lens was embedded in her eyelid for twenty eight years! :eek2Ouch! :blackeye (this is what I put myself through to bring you guys interesting news) Here's more on the story.

That's all for today's news, have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come! :yes By the way, I decided to close today's news section with a tribute to Aretha Franklin. 1942-2018.

Daily weather report.

Some places hot, others cold. Some rain in the world somewhere otherwise its probably cloudy or windy or fine maybe snow.

Have a nice day.
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Daily weather report.

Some places hot, others cold. Some rain in the world somewhere otherwise its probably cloudy or windy or fine maybe snow.

Have a nice day.
rough seas with a moderate to heavy chop or calm
Principal Akbar Cook has a good idea with the laundromat. Protect the children in his school.

Obviously additional efforts still are needed, proved by what happened to that poor 14 year old girl in Oklahoma.

28 years with that contact lens is amazing.

At least the Indians won.

Have a good day too.