In Today's News

As usual, an excellent weather report.

Updated wave report. Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor take warning.
That original saying would have been thousands of years old.
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Here's just a quick heads up. I decided that since I didn't find any interesting news stories that I wanted to post today that there won't be any news today. Any interesting news stories that pop up will be a part of tommorow's report instead. Have a wonderful weekend everybody! :wave2
I think the news should focus on more positive things. I like news but its always negative. Of the news only had positive things to say there would only be positive people and no stupidity and division.
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As long as she is peaceful, I agree. Alternative greetings are fine.

That is true. I don't even know why they put it in the news. Surely there is more important things to report on than a refused handshake. I just looked up Sweden news and the handshake article and the arson attacks and riots were the top news.
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I wonder how Canada is going, Trudeau had another day off, must have been from flying all those ballons at a festival yesterday. Maybe he needed a rest. This would be his 74th day off not including vacations. Good luck Canada.

What else is happening. Inflation rises to highest level since 2011. Gasoline prices have increased 25% in the past year. The cost of flying has increased 28%.
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That is true. I don't even know why they put it in the news. Surely there is more important things to report on than a refused handshake. I just looked up Sweden news and the handshake article and the arson attacks and riots were the top news.

Different cultures. In much of the west, refusing to shake hands is considered to be an insult. Refusing to shake an employer's hand is considered disrespectful insubordination.

In much of the Arabic world, women are not encouraged to shake the hands of men. No touching of the opposite gender at all, unless they are family members. Often wearing clothing to cover their hair, and sometimes even the face.
Its amazing that they allow IS to wander around their streets, terrorizing their former victims.

I don't think Germany recognises radical islam, they only recognise peaceful islam, so anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist and being racist is a hate crime. Thats why IS and jihadists walk the streets.
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I don't think Germany recognises radical islam, they only recognise islam is a religion of peace, so anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist and being racist is a hate crime. Thats why IS and jihadists walk the streets.

There are peaceful Muslims. I have worked with them. Not everyone is peaceful though. Anyone violent or dishonest should be excluded from immigration. Of any religion.
There are peaceful Muslims. I have worked with them. Not everyone is peaceful though. Anyone violent or dishonest should be excluded from immigration. Of any religion.

Exactly, there are people who identify as Muslim and are peaceful and great members of society. It would be silly for anyone to think otherwise. A Senator wanted a muslim ban, thats way too extreme and I disagree with his views.

Our muslim friends are more than welcome in the nation.
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