In Today's News

I can photo ,you,your house,from the street here,nothing illegal about it.

If I was asked not to,I don't .those home photos I take,are just that
I want security cameras in parking lots. I think its good protection.

Internet security needs improving. Also get rid of telephone scammers. There is no good reason for the FCC to allow calls from those centers to be forwarded. Just stop sending them.
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Yes they do. In other news:

Slate said:
2016, HUD counted 176,357 unsheltered people nationwide on a single night; last year, that number jumped to 192,875.

So many people are now sleeping in their cars that some cities have started designating special parking lots for them.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I'm just going to jump right into today's report. :salute

First of all in today's news The Cleveland police department is currently under investigation after a seventy year old woman was shot yesterday. Here's more of the details.

And the Madison township police department are currently under investigation after a fatal motorcycle accident occurred yesterday afternoon. Here's more of the information.

And even though this wasn't news worthy, I just wanted to share it with you anyways. :)

Also The Cleveland Indians game last night ran into some kind of trouble last night when the water fountain started leaking onto the field and causing a delay. :eek2

And a woman in Chicago Illinois helped out one of her former students while watching their child as they went to go attend a job fair. :) Here's more on the story.

And this just in, a six year old little boy was hospitalized after being assaulted by a group of bullies after trying to stand up to them. :sad Here's more on the story.

Also, a woman from Waterford Michigan says that she accidentally locked her daughter in the car and couldn't get her out. :eek2 Here's more on the story.

And also a woman was mauled to death by her pet dog in the middle of the week last week. Here's more of the details.

And a man from Redding California survived a tornado by hiding under a bulldozer. Here's more on the story.

Finally in today's news, the mother of an eight year old little girl is currently being investigated after she let her walk the dog by herself. (in her own neighborhood nonetheless:rolleyes) Here's more of the details.

That's all for today's news, have a wonderful day and stay tuned for more news to come! :biggrin2
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By the way, The Cleveland Indians lost last night just so you know. The final score against the Kansas City Royals was five to four so it still was rather close.
Is that a joke or something. Just his salary alone was a million not including his net worth.

First of all I just wanted to do a quick edit about the dog walking story since I didn't read the whole entire thing before. I still think it's ridiculous that the mother had to go through all of that even if they thought the child was younger than her and playing in the parking lot.

Second of all,.. NO politics remember? :nono
That's amazing that guy was protected by the bulldozer.

Terrible about that poor child being bullied.

That was nice of the teacher to help her former student.

I wonder why that car door locked. My car only locks automatically when I reach 3 MPH.

You have a wonderful day too.
Hello everybody, I just wanted to let you all know really fast that apart from The Cleveland Indians beating the Boston Red Sox seven to one during yesterday's game, there is no other news today. And you guys already know that any interesting news reports that pop up later in the day will be used for tommorow's report instead. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the weekend! :wave2
Here's why.

I sort of agree with the bikini boy on this one,.. he might have looked disturbing, and I can see why they did, but it was rather rude that the judges just got up and left like that. :nono