In Today's News

Daily weather report.

Some cloudy places in the world. Some wind in some places.
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Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Before we get started with today's report I have an announcement to make. A little change of plans, the special thread that I was planning on opening this weekend has been pushed back to next weekend because I'm still going to try and go to the beach next week. This weekend I have my annual (usual what would have been end of summer) town parade and festival to attend. So that's why it was originally scheduled for this weekend. Anyways, I decided for this reason to do a little explaining about what it's going to be to have you start thinking about it.

Every year when I declare summer to be unofficially over I start getting ready for Halloween which is the most spooktactular time of the year! Ghosts, ghouls, and goblins galore! :shock So here's the thing, a show of hands,.. how many of you on here reading this right now enjoy horror movies? *instantly raises hand* So now I bet you can guess what the new thread is going to be about. If you enjoy horror movies start thinking about which movie is your favorite and why because it's going to come up again trust me. However, talk about Halloween the holiday itself will not be discussed until October so I don't want any of the *blah* *blah* *blah* nonsense on why it's evil, satanic, etc. :rolleyes You will have plenty of time to start listing your complaints then.

Anyways, now that I have finished explaining all of that exciting news, on with today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news, the music world is mourning another loss as the former guitarist of the legendary rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd passed away yesterday at the age of sixty-eight. :sad (and yes there will be a tribute for him at the end of today's report. Rest in peace my man, hope you are in a better place now. :halo Rock on! :rocking

And this was sure an interesting sight to say the least as a crocodile was captured on camera using a pool noodle to cross the canal. :lol

Also, I just had to share this when I saw it came up,.. The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo has welcomed an adorable baby rhino to their four legged family. :)

And also an eighteen year old foreign exchange student drowned in a Minnesota lake earlier this week. Here's more of the information.

And in sports unfortunately it was a major loss for The Cleveland Indians yesterday as they lost to The Boston Red Sox ten to four. BOO!!! :sad

Also, one of my favorite singers just showed everybody just exactly how big of a heart she has as she was seen stopping one of her concerts to comfort a young teen who recently lost her mother. :)

And my thoughts and prayers go towards an Akron resident who was recently injured after an eighty foot tree collapsed down on top of his house early yesterday morning. Here's more on the story.

Also a man from Indiana faces charges after his two children drowned in the Kankakee river on Tuesday night. Here's more of the details.

And a nine year old little girl battling cancer received the surprise of her life when she was announced as news reporter for the day. :thumbsup Here's more on the story and my thoughts and prayers go towards her and her family.

And also another state trooper heroically saved the life of a suicidal man getting ready to jump off a bridge on a turnpike. :clap Here's more.

Also there is currently an investigation underway towards one Cleveland police officer who has claimed that he is being harassed and doesn't feel safe. Here's more of the details.

Finally in today's news, two people have been accused of stealing fifteen thousand dollars from Northeast Ohio libraries. :eek2Here's more of the details.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful day and God bless each and every one of you. :biggrin2

Here's just an update to that "crocodile" story,.. I don't believe that there are any crocodiles in Florida and I'm pretty sure that it was supposed to say an alligator instead.
That was one smart crocodile. I hope I don't run into him.

Good going trooper Will Head.

Maybe zoos will bring back rhinos from the edge of extinction.

Pink has a nice voice.

Have a wonderful day also, and may the Lord bless you.

:eek2 Wow, I didn't know that there was such thing as an American Crocodile. I guess you learn something new everyday. :yes

That was one smart crocodile. I hope I don't run into him.

Good going trooper Will Head.

Maybe zoos will bring back rhinos from the edge of extinction.

Pink has a nice voice.

Have a wonderful day also, and may the Lord bless you.

I hope that the zoos bring the black rhinos back, but I also hope that they give them big enough enclosures to run around freely and God bless you too brother. :hug
louisana, I thought had them but they don't. lol the gator snapping turtle he can ruin your day too but is tasty. I may have to try him one day. he can be found on a plate in a restaurant in the middle of the state.
louisana, I thought had them but they don't. lol the gator snapping turtle he can ruin your day too but is tasty. I may have to try him one day. he can be found on a plate in a restaurant in the middle of the state.

Hmm,.. it's funny that you should mention that. I watched this video not too long ago and it's actually really rather difficult to tell the difference while giving them a quick glance. Oh by the way, did you see the picture of the snapping turtle that I recently saw yet in the photography gallery?

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A new study claims that in general its safest not to drink any alcohol at all.

A previous NIH study that reached a different conclusion was found to have not used good methodology due to a conflict of interest.
It is finally Friday everyone and welcome to another edition of today's news. :) As far as I know we don't have a very long report today, but you already may know I've been off in the past. So without any further delay, I'm going to bounce right into today's report! :boing

First of all in today's news, three people were hospitalized early this morning in Cleveland Ohio after they accidentally crashed their vehicle into a pole while trying to flee from the police. Here's more of the details.

And this bizarre murder weapon certainly takes the books! :eek2

And also unfortunately this is another sad case of animal cruelty after a police officer left his dog alone in a hot car for six hours. :sad Here's more on the story.

Also a recently released video shows a bear wandering into a hotel in Colorado and climbing on the furniture. :mouthdrop

And I have to say that this story really warmed my heart as an off duty policeman took some time to play a game of football with some local children. :) Here's more.

Also a man from Grand Rapids Michigan was arrested a couple of days ago for urinating on a little girl playing hide and go seek and calling her a racial slur. :mad (what a pig!) Here's more on the story.

And a woman is currently undergoing a search for a nurse who saved the life of her choking three year old daughter in a Target parking lot. :clap:clap:clap Here's more of the details. :thumbsup

And also the man who wound up killing an Ohio woman from the drugs he sold her must now pay the funeral expenses. Here's more of the information.

Also a woman from Columbia Missouri has been accused of the ultimate disgrace by selling her daughter for sex. :mad Here's more of the details.

And this just in, unfortunately it's another case of animal cruelty as a man was arrested last night for stomping and punching a dog that was caught on a surveillance video. :angry Here's more.

Also find out why a middle school assignment is currently raising some eyebrows.

And in sports it was another crushing loss for The Cleveland Indians yesterday as they lost to The Boston Red Sox seven to zero. Boo!!! :sad

And also two people were charged in a road rage incident that took place Wednesday morning in Willoughby Ohio. Here's more of the information.

And wildlife officials in Parma Ohio are currently searching for an injured baby deer with an arrow through its head. :sad Poor thing! I really hope that they do find it and help it! :yes

And also authorities in Arizona discovered one million dollars worth in drugs in a traffic stop by a six hundred foot secret tunnel that runs underneath a former fast foot restaurant. :eek2

Finally in today's news, more information about the murder of a pizza delivery man that was found shot to death on Monday night have been released. Here's more.

Phew! That's all for today's news and just like a lot of previous times before, it was definitely more than I expected! :thudAnyways have a wonderful weekend everybody (I know I will since I'm going out to supper tonight, going to a parade tomorrow, and of course the person I roleplay with will be out of school, so I will be able to do that as well as enjoying the beautiful weather! :thumbsup) and stay tuned for more news to come! :yes

On your link to the school assignment article, I noticed that there were no more snow days. Students will now do their assignments on-line, instead of adding days on in the spring. That's a good idea. Now they will have summers free to play, and start bringing education into the 21st century.

A 600 foot secret tunnel in Arizona. Tunnels are regularly used in the Middle East, and other war zones. The Israelis have developed sensors to detect enemies digging tunnels. I'm not surprised they are used on the border. I'm just surprised that they didn't do a better job of using a front business to avoid suspicion.

Good going nurse who rescued that infant from a quarter.

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy your dinner out.
On your link to the school assignment article, I noticed that there were no more snow days. Students will now do their assignments on-line, instead of adding days on in the spring. That's a good idea. Now they will have summers free to play, and start bringing education into the 21st century.

A 600 foot secret tunnel in Arizona. Tunnels are regularly used in the Middle East, and other war zones. The Israelis have developed sensors to detect enemies digging tunnels. I'm not surprised they are used on the border. I'm just surprised that they didn't do a better job of using a front business to avoid suspicion.

Good going nurse who rescued that infant from a quarter.

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy your dinner out.

Thank you so much! :thumbsup God bless you brother. :hug