In Today's News

I'm amazed that there was dynamite in their basement. I have LED flashlights and lanterns.

I wonder what was going on with Nancy Crampton Brophy. There was no evidence related in the article.

The heater was on in the car? She must have been out of it. I'm glad the baby is okay.

You have a wonderful day too.
Tennis won't attract fans to pay the bills by making them unhappy. Nonsensical penalties that fans hate is no way to run an entertainment business.
But the rules are just the rules and with rules comes penaltys.
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Tennis will find itself without fans, and without a job, if they don't make tennis fun for fans. Its a business, and like all businesses they must make their customers happy for the business to succeed.

A wise CEO would tailor the rules to attract fans. The NFL repeatedly tweaks the rules so that additional points go on the scoreboard. Fans like touchdowns.

When the fans start booing like they did at that tennis game, its time for management to step in and tweak the rules. No fans, no pay.
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And prayers are also needed for a woman that was badly injured after she mistook a stick of dynamite for a candle. Here's more on the story. :sad
I saw this story, and noticed an error. It was not a quarter stick of actual dynamite. It was a large firecracker called a "Quarter Stick" because it resembles a short stick of dynamite, but is nowhere near as powerful. That said, it is still a dangerous pyrotechnic, and my prayers go out to that poor woman.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) And Happy Grandparents Day to everybody on here. :biggrin2 We've got another really rather short report today so this shouldn't take me all that long at all.

We begin today's news report with a very tragic and unfortunate report that a child was hit by a car yesterday recently passed away from her injuries. :sad Here's more of the information and my thoughts and prayers go towards her friends and family members.

And my thoughts and prayers are with all of the people who were effected by hurricane Florence. :pray

And also fire crews helped extinguish a house fire in Hamden township. Here's more of the details. :clap :thumbsup

Also, if you live in New Philadelphia Ohio here's why you want to be extra cautious of bats right now. :erm

Finally in sports, although it was a rather close game, The Cleveland Indians were victorious during yesterday's game as their final score was nine to eight. :thumbsup

That's all for today's news, and for all of you who still don't know,.. yesterday I found out that we lost another Hollywood icon last week. Bill Daily who played Roger Healey died on Tuesday at the age of ninety-one. :sad I sure hope that he's in a better place now and he will most certainly be missed. :halo Rest in peace Bill Daily and I'm sorry I would have done this sooner but I kept having stupid computer problems again! :wall Have a wonderful rest of your weekend everybody and God's blessings on you. :cross

Bill was a funny man. I hope he was saved.

Go Indians.

130 MPH is pretty fast.

Bats are funny looking creatures. I hope they stay away.

You have a wonderful weekend too, and may the Lord bless you.
Funny show. Sad that Barbara Eden is the only main character left. I hope they were all saved.
Welcome to another edition of today's news everybody. :) I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and I know I did but I'm sort of having a mix of emotions right now of it being Monday.

First of all, I think that my roleplay friend is off school today because he is coming down with the flu and my other roleplay friend isn't feeling so well either so I really feel for them both and second of all it is a really sad day for the United States of America tomorrow since it will have been seventeen years since 911 occurred. So let us always remember that day and the lives were lost and continue to pray for all those who were effected and affected by it.

We don't have a very long report again today so I'm just going to get right to it shall I? :salute

First of all in today's news an Oklahoma woman woke up to a rather interesting and horrifying surprise early yesterday morning as she discovered a coyote in her bedroom. :eek2Here's more on the story.

And a thirty-five year old Akron man confessed to killing his girlfriend after he was arrested late last week. Here's more of the details.

And also a navy sailor showed just what a big heart he had after adopting an injured puppy found at an African base at the beginning of this year. :) Here's more on the story.

Also a recently released video shows fish coming out of the water system at a Boardman Walmart last night. :mouthdrop

And the off-duty Texas officer that entered the wrong apartment was arrested over the weekend. Here's more of the information.

Edit: Oops, I just got home and it looks like Michael74 beat me to it! :lol

And also The Cleveland Fire Department is currently under investigation after they believe that four fires that broke out over the weekend was meant to be intentional. Here's more.

Finally in today's news I'm afraid that the Blue Jays topped The Cleveland Indians during yesterday's game with a final score of six to two. :sad

So that's all for today's news. Have a wonderful day and stay tuned for more news to come. :biggrin2
She must have had one of those pet doors for her cat. Never know what critters may come in.

I hope no fish come out of my faucet. I like fish, but in their proper place.

I hope those investigators can keep people safe in their homes.

Have a wonderful day too.
Oh and I'm sorry I forgot to add my usual Monday song and since SasukeUchiha12 still might have gone to school and I'm just waiting to see if and when he comes back today, I guess I still got a bit of the Monday blues. If it truly is the flu I hope he recovers quickly. I know that it can be a very nasty thing to have which is why I get my vaccinations every October.
