In Today's News

Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Before I get on with today's report I have a couple of announcements. First my one roleplaying friend is slowly recovering from the flu so he's back in school now,.. and second of all, the most exciting news in a long time. *clears throat and speaks in announcer's voice like in a movie trailer* Coming October first,.. it's April's (I decided to go with that name since I'm in a continuing series) Spooktactular Virtual Halloween Party!! Featuring all of your favorite Halloween hits and scary stories.

There will also be a pumpkin carving contest, so please take pictures of all of your pumpkins and post them on the thread. Then, on October 31st (Halloween) the pumpkin picture with the most likes will win and if it's alright with all of the moderators like questdriven, and Razeontherock etc. There might even be a category created for the most spooktactular Halloween pumpkin of 2018.

I'm really crossing my fingers on that one because that would be so awesome!!! :crossed Oh yeah and there will even be a virtual trick-or-treat which I will explain the rules of that on that thread, but I will tell you the two most important rules now,.. make sure that you wear your costume (it doesn't have to really be a picture of you in it just find a random picture of it on the internet) and have fun!! :thumbsup So please be sure to join me on the first because it's sure to be a howling good time and I'm just dying to have you! Muhahahahahaha!!!! :mischief

(Yes, that was the Thriller laugh by the way :lol)

Anyways, on with today's report! :salute (and once it gets closer to the Christmas season I will announce the special thread that I have for that :yes)

First of all in today's news, a woman from Kansas city donated thousands of ounces of breastmilk after tragically losing her newborn daughter. :sad Rest in peace little one, you are safe and sound in the arms of Jesus now. :halo

And three men were arrested after they allegedly believed that they were going to meet teenaged girls for sex. Here's more of the details and way to go Cuyahoga County Police Department! :clap

And also for all of the reasons not to call 911, this reason certainly makes the list after a man from Lakewood Ohio used the number after Burger King refused to honor his coupon. :eek2Here's more on the story.

Also, in a remarkable coincidence,.. a former pilot's nurse winds up being one of the children that he helped find nearly fifty years ago. Here's more on the story. :biggrin2

And in another shocking story of animal abuse and neglect, two people from Lorain county were charged after abandoning their two emaciated dogs. Here's more of the details. :mad

And check out this amazing video of migrating butterflies! :eek2

Finally in today's news, six people were tragically killed after a gunman opened fire in multiple locations in Bakersfield California on Wednesday evening. Here's more of the information.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful weekend everybody and God bless each and every one of you! :biggrin

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They had no right to take the man's coupons away. They didn't have to give him a burger, but the coupons were the man's property.

Butterflies are pretty. I'm glad they escaped Florence.

May the Lord bless you too.
I think your pumpkin carving contest is a great idea!

Thanks, I'm glad you think so. :) I figured that if you could create a selection for it in honorable members. I was going to award the first through fourth place winners. And I agree with Michael74 but I don't think that was reason to get the cops involved unless it was with the non emergency number because there are people who have real emergencies and the system shouldn't be taken advantage of imho,.. and yes I love butterflies, we seem to be getting a lot of them right now.
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Welcome to another edition of today's news everybody. :) It's Saturday (yay! :woot) and we hardly have any news today so I'm just going to do this really quick before I get some other stuff done around the house. :yes

First of all in today's news I am sharing this story because hopefully as God's children it will be at least some inspiration to us. A fourteen year old girl who was shot and paralyzed says she forgives the one who shot her. Here's more on the story.

And in sports even though it was a close game, The Cleveland Indians wound up losing to The Detroit Tigers last night with a final score of five to four.

And also as somebody who is sick and tired of hearing stories about suicide, this story lifted my spirits as here's an upcoming project (and phone number) that might wind up saving lives. :thumbsup

And the Fernway Elementary school fire that occurred over the summer has been officially ruled as accidental. Here's more of the details.

And also the Massachusetts Police Department has recently been investigating a gas explosion that left twenty-five people injured and killed a teenaged boy. Here's more of the information.

Also the Bedford police are currently searching for the owner of a dog that was found emaciated. (This is either a sad story if the dog got lost and the owner or owners of her weren't aware of it, or just another terrible case of animal cruelty.) Here's more of the information.

And after all of the awful stories of animal abuse and neglect, it really warms my heart to know that there are still people out there who help animals. Just exactly like these places. :)

As well as babies. :biggrin2

(I don't really know how to describe this one so I'm just going to post the link because it's still an incredible story. :clap)

And this just in, the Ohio state fair has ended its relationship with the New Jersey company that operated a ride that killed a man last year. Here's more of the information.

Finally in today's news, A fifteen year old boy was arrested earlier in the week after he reportedly took a loaded handgun into school with him. Here's more of the details.

That's all for today's news! (I have been trying to report more of the positive stuff which I think I accomplished today. :yes) Anyways, have a wonderful day and stay tuned for more news to come! :biggrin2's an upcoming project (and phone number) that might wind up saving lives. :thumbsup

Putting the phone numbers by bridges is a good idea. Affordable SSRIs and other meds would be a good idea too.

And after all of the awful stories of animal abuse and neglect, it really warms my heart to know that there are still people out there who help animals. Just exactly like these places. :)

I'm glad that those pets are being taken care of during Florence.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) We have a really short report today but I'm just going to bounce right into it lol!:boing

First of all in today's news, two people were found dead in a car early this morning in Cleveland Ohio. Here's more of the information.

And sixty-four people were killed after a typhoon hit southern China today. :sad Here's more of the details and my thoughts and prayers go towards the victims' friends and family members. :pray

And also a twenty-six year old man that was bitten by a shark yesterday succumbed to his injuries. Here's more of the information. (and my thoughts and prayers go towards his friends and family members as well :pray)

So that's all for the negative news for today. Here's a news story that should be an inspiration to us all as a sixteen year old boy found ten thousand dollars lying in the street and returned it to its rightful owner. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :clap

Finally in sports, The Cleveland Indians scored another major victory yesterday afternoon as they topped the Detroit Tigers with an astonishing score of fifteen to zero! :wootGo Tribe!!!! :woot2 (I've been sort of disappointed lately so that news helps a lot. :yes)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and God bless! :biggrin2
15 to 0 is an amazing score.

I wonder if the owner of that car caught up with the thieves.

Nice that the kid returned the purse.

Have a wonderful weekend too, and may the Lord bless you.
Hey guys, we have an extremely short news report today, but guess what? I have another reason to be happy that it's Monday! For two weeks from today is April's Spooktactular Halloween party!!! :sohappyWoot!!! :woot You honestly don't know how excited I am right now. :yes Anyways, on with today's report. :salute

First of all in today's news, authorities in North Carolina are currently searching for a missing child that was swept away from his mother's arms last night in floodwaters. Praying that he is found safe and sound. :pray

And the rule of you have to win and lose some definitely applies when it comes to sports as The Cleveland Indians lost to the Detroit Tigers yesterday with a final score of six to four. :shrug

And also a ninety-four year old woman was reportedly killed early this morning after a violent home invasion. Here's more of the details.

Finally in today's news, Akron firefighters responded to a house fire yesterday afternoon. Here's more.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful day and stay tuned for more news to come. :biggrin (and don't worry, as usual you'll get through this Monday :yes)

Never drive through fast moving stuff like that, when you don't know its depth.

The police should prioritize keeping people safe. Its terrible what happened to those 2 elderly women.

Maybe the Indian will win the next one.

You have a wonderful day too.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Let's get right to it then shall we?

First of all in today's news, the Painesville Ohio judge known for passing creative sentences has now delivered the latest sentence to the nineteen year old boy who was accused of mowing obscenities into the school's lawn a few months ago. Here's more of the details.

And despite all of the rumors Pampers isn't getting rid of Sesame Street Diapers because their too masculine. Here's more of the information.

And also twelve deceased infants were stuffed in boxes and plastic bags in a hospital in an African hospital. :mad Here's more of the details.

Also, baby squirrels were rescued by the Wisconsin Humane Society after all of their tails got tangled together. :clap

And The Cleveland Police Department is currently investigating a murder that occurred on Cleveland's east side just before eight o'clock last night. Here's more of the information.

And also Sesame Street has finally clarified that status of Bert and Ernie's relationship. Here's more. :)

And find out how a girl from Lakewood Ohio is taking action after somebody supposedly stole her unicorn toy. Here's more on the story.

And also there is currently a manhunt underway for a dangerous fugitive and now his father is urging him to turn himself in. Here's more of the information.

Finally in today's news, some dogs were rescued from a cage as the hurricane waters were rising. Here's more of the details. :thumbsup

That's all for today's news, sorry for the delay but I haven't been feeling very good today. I'm feeling much better now and I hope that you have a wonderful day and God bless you all! :biggrin2