In Today's News

I'm glad that you feel better now.

I'm happy that the puppies were rescued.

I hope that girl gets her toy back. We need safe streets.

Mowing the lawn is a reasonable sentence for that youth.

May the Lord bless you too.
People have all sorts of beliefs, I have beliefs and opinions other people don't accept or agree with, but I don't care because everyone is entitled to there own opinions and beliefs, and i don't believe i have a ligitemately higher claim over other peoples beliefs and opinions than they do, so im not going to be a bigot and have a cry about it.

I would feel like a fool having a rant people won't accept me or my opinions or my religious belief. My life is not based on being popular and caring if people like me or not.

Will I stand for my beliefs. Yes. (unless I get proven wrong in open honest civilised discussion).

Will I force others to accept it. No.
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All you can do is to tell people the truth in love. Its up to them whether they will accept it or not.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. Ephesians 4:15 NIV
All you can do is to tell people the truth in love. Its up to them whether they will accept it or not.

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. Ephesians 4:15 NIV

There is one thing I learned in life and that is the Truth can hurt, but the Truth is still the Truth even if no one believes it.
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The mainstream news always says something is alleged and reported.

Please get back to me when you have the facts and truth.

I cannot go on allegations and accusations alone because allegations and accusations are not facts and truth, they are allegations and accusations.
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I'm glad that you feel better now.

I'm happy that the puppies were rescued.

I hope that girl gets her toy back. We need safe streets.

Mowing the lawn is a reasonable sentence for that youth.

May the Lord bless you too.

Thank you and my head and stomach feels a lot better today by the way. :)

The mainstream news always says something is alleged and reported.

Please get back to me when you have the facts and truth.

And aside from allegations all the accusations I would like to see the evidence.

I cannot go on allegations and accusations alone because allegations and accusations are not facts and truth, they are allegations and accusations.

Truthfully, I only report what has been reported. Nobody is forcing you to read this thread every day. (unless otherwise noted) *sigh*

Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news everybody. :biggrin2 On with today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news a woman in Texas is receiving a lot of backlash after making her fifth grade son wear a T-shirt that made a bully statement on it. Here's more.

And fire crews from Brookpark Ohio responded after their skating rink caught fire over night. Here's more of the details.

And also find out how one school is making some changes to their cheerleading squad.

And normally I hate when animals are mistreated but I do believe that this following story counts as an exception as a woman fatally stabbed the dog that had been previously attacking her. Here's more on the story.

Also in an extremely rare occurrence, four people wound up with breast cancer after they received organs from the same donor. Here's more of the details.

And a Texas woman is currently in jail after she was charged with child endangerment for abusing the daycare children that she was supposed to be caring for. :mad Here's more of the information.

Finally in sports, although it wasn't by much, The Cleveland Indians wound up topping The Chicago White Sox last night with a final score of five to three. :)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful day everybody and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
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I'm glad that you are feeling better today.

They should keep the cheerleaders safe. Don't make them do anything dangerous.

People should keep dangerous animals under control. Don't let them attack people.

Go Indians.

I'm glad the security camera rescued those babies.

You have a wonderful day too.
I think the best is the reporter in a kayak rowing in the flood waters and someone walks past and its not even knee deep.

But the reporter who looks like the wind is going to blow him over in a big storm as two people causally walk past is great.
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I am not for stupid risks but well lately they take it to far with denying any chance of injury.
In the case of the cheerleaders, their insurance didn't want it. This suggests insurance has data that tossing into the air is a silly risk.
I think the best is the reporter in a kayak rowing in the flood waters and someone walks past and its not even knee deep.

Yes, but that stuff is nasty. Its not like a chlorinated swimming pool. Better off in a kayak, or at least hip waders.