In Today's News

Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

70 years of marriage is nice. When I got a flu shot today, there was an elderly couple. (I knew the man's age was 94 because the clerk asked him for his birthday when checking them in.) They were a cute couple. He told me he was in the service when he was younger. He seemed to be still in good shape at 94.

I'm happy that kitty is okay.

I don't think I want a burger to give me nightmares.

You have a wonderful day too.
In a few days,a change bases on the psc will happen for me.I will post the news once I see it.
I hope your job is safe Jason.
The SaLe Won't Affect My Job LIKE Thar But Simply Read water.So Far They Didn't Decide Yet, If It Does Go Or not,I See A Court appeal.The State Supreme Court Will Decide ,Larkin Didn't Have The Time She asked.
The SaLe Won't Affect My Job LIKE Thar But Simply Read water.So Far They Didn't Decide Yet, If It Does Go Or not,I See A Court appeal.The State Supreme Court Will Decide ,Larkin Didn't Have The Time She asked.
No decision unto next month .must have made a good case
Local ,stuck with those two.I know nicole personally,don't care for her views but honorable .

Grall,has her issue,the latest is the issue of beach acess plus an fpl issue
Hey guys, I had a busy day today so here's another edition of tonight's news instead. :) I'm going to be honest with you all, I am not feeling my best but I still feel good enough to post the news before I lay down for the night. It's my stupid sinuses again because tis the season for it. :sick Anyways, here's tonight's report! :salute

First of all in tonight's news, a student's essay wound up putting one man behind bars. Here's more of the information.

And a local historian is helping unravel the mystery surrounding the discovery of an old gravestone in the backyard of a home in Lakewood. Here's more of the details.

Also a lioness has reportedly killed the father of her cubs at the Indianapolis zoo. Here's more of the information.

And also a school chef was fired after he was discovered serving kangaroo meat. Here's more of the details.

And the two year old boy who was able to celebrate Christmas early passed away this morning. :sad My thoughts and prayers go towards him and his friends and family members. :pray

Also a woman has been charged for the murder of her thirteen month old daughter. Here's more.

And a Virginia couple was arrested after they allegedly rode on a moped with their infant positioned between them. Here's more of the information. :mad

And also a school bus driver was caught on camera breaking multiple traffic laws. Here's more. :nono

Also find out how an old stereotype received a brand new spin on things. :thumbsup

And nineteen people were injured in a school bus accident that took place in South Carolina. Here's more of the details.

And also thousands of money was raised for an eighty-five year old McDonald's employee who lost his wife. Here's more on the story. :clap

And apparently a meteor shower is underway for this weekend. Here's more of the details. :biggrin

And also a community came together yesterday to help raise money for the victim of a horrific wrong way crash last month. Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

Also apparently a camera has revealed packages stolen from an apartment complex. Here's more.

And a Michigan pizza delivery driver traveled more than two hundred miles just to deliver his pizza to a man battling cancer in hospice care. Here's more on the story. :)

And also it looks like country superstar Keith Urban gave his number one fan the surprise of a lifetime yesterday. :') (aww,.. how sweet!)

Also speaking of Halloween and scary stuff, the following article definitely appears to be terrifying. :shock

And a man who was arrested nearly several months ago for faking cancer pleaded guilty in court on Wednesday. Here's more of the details. :angry

Also this just in, a babysitter from Virginia has been accused of punching a five month old infant in the face. Here's more of the information. :mad

Finally in tonight's news, (thank goodness) a surveillance video that was released yesterday reveals a woman abandoning her two year old son on a homeowner's doorstep. Here's more. :angry

Well that's all for tonight's news and boy was that a LOT for one night! :thudI think that I'm going to wait until tomorrow to read all of that because I am exhausted after waking up early to go visit my fiancée in prison and going to Halloween hayride tonight. Now I'm home until church on Sunday. Phew! That was fun but I need a break. Anyways, have a good weekend everybody and God's blessings on you. Hopefully after a goodnight sleep I'll feel much better. I think the cold air has a lot to do with it. :sleep

Women don't seem to be happy about competing with a transgender.
I think the idea is evidence of the decay of our civilization, the cowardice of the officials who oversee the competitions, and the normalization of mental disorder.

A male who does all the things possible to make himself appear to be a female still has greater muscle mass and a higher hemoglobin ratio than the biological females against whom he competes.

It's totally unfair but the people who run the sports are afraid to say anything because they might get labeled "transphobic" of some other label which totally ignores the truth that a "transgender" person has, in fact NOT changed their gender. He/she has merely taken on the appearance of the opposite gender. Their chromosomes remain unchanged.

It is totally unfair to the biological (actual) females to have to compete with men who are masquerading as women. Unfortunately, is is not politically correct to tell the truth that clothing, hairstyle, hormone injections and even surgery do not change anyone from one gender to another. All those things do no more than encourage and support self-destructive behavior. It is the legitimizing of a mental disorder for fear of offending the one afflicted with the disorder.

Anyway, that's how this alter kacker sees it.

iakov the fool