In Today's News

And the establishment threw Tommy in prison for reporting on this.

Asian gang?. Can they be more specific and give the countries. Asia is a big region.

On a side note you will notice Tommy is always referred to as the founder of the EDL, but Tommy left the EDL as forms of anti semitism was creeping in and he could not contol it and wanted nothing to do with it, so he left, because he is a man who has morals. But the media will always try link him and bring it up.
They should be put to death.
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that since I gave such a HUGE news report last night I'm taking a break today. I am feeling MUCH better than I was last night though. :)
Hey guys, I had a busy day today so here's another edition of tonight's news instead. :)

I hope you feel better soon.

I'm glad they have video cameras to protect people's packages.

It was nice of that pizza delivery man to drive all that way.

Keith Urban did a good deed.

I think I will stay away from mine shafts full of rattlesnakes.

May the Lord bless you also.
Shopping by mail is fun. Shopping via the Internet is the modern update to shopping.

I think Sears made its mistake when it made prices expensive. Joe average didn't shop there anymore, and the elite didn't switch. Sears went back to Joe average prices, but Joe average didn't come back. He was already used to Walmart and such. The attempt to switch to a store for the rich was not done efficiently.
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Online shopping id killing sears,kmart,jcpenny.

Malls make it more expensive.
Hey guys, I realize that I am really late for the news tonight but the power was out earlier and I got really busy before. Anyways, here's the link to one of the articles that was missing yesterday. :)

And now for tonight's report which luckily for me is short. :yes

First of all in tonight's news, apparently a new viral video is stirring up some controversary.

And a YouTube star left a HUGE tip for a waitress before leaving a restaurant. :mouthdrop Here's more of the details.

And also here's a warning to all parents, grandparents, and guardians after a woman tragically lost her eleven year old son in the choking game. :sad Here's more on the story and my thoughts and prayers go towards his friends and family members. :pray

Also thoughts and prayers are needed after a nine year old girl has tragically lost her life after a three week court battle of being on life support. Here's more. :pray

Finally in tonight's news, some Lorain High School students are currently facing expulsion after a fight broke out last week and left at least three teachers injured. Here's more of the details.

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful night and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful night and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes

A $10,000 tip. I want to be a waiter for YouTube stars.

That's way too much violence in Lorain.

They should release the whole story on video, not just excerpts.

You have a wonderful day too.
Stitching up his own leg. Must have good first aide training.

The article starts with "A junior doctor". I'm unsure if he was someone training to be a doctor like a co-pilot to the pilot, or the media was just trying to be funny.
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