Hollywood is built around ritualistic performances. Watching Sam Smith strut around in a giant penis costume against a black and red backdrop with a bunch of women wearing latex devil suits, and that doesn't strike you as satanic?
Regardless of whether or not you choose to believe in demons and God and the devil, these people do, and they act accordingly. Therefore, it is no mystery when WWE features the undertaker coming out to Gregorian chants. It's no different than the appearance of a high priest offering obeisance to Lucifer.
Literally everything you watch on television features this ritualistic satanism, only it's been disguised as entertainment and we've been watching it so long that we're numb. "Oh, they're just making fun of it!" Are they, though? Are they really? How many of those same luciferian traitors and communists all attend the Cannibal Club in LA? Guess who owns it? Mark Zuckerberg's CCP handler-wife, which means the CCP owns it. They serve cakes in the shape of human beings, complete with carob syrup blood and cake and frosting guts and organs.
And then there's Sammy Davis Jr, who was a literal high priest of the satanic church. There's photos of him in full gear floating around. Eddie Murphy even said the man tried recruiting him. Now, whether he was doing it because he was a true believer, or because he just wanted the women, is irrelevant. That influence still spread regardless of the impetus, and affected everyone that it touched.
I suppose that is just "play-acting" and making fun of the horrors humankind has witnessed in it's thousands of years of history. Whether or not you choose to believe, they are true believers in the sense that they believe in the worldly benefits that come with the association with the Temple of Satan, and act accordingly. Therein lies the danger. They view themselves as better than you and I. They view themselves as elites because they go to the right ceremonies, and give lip service to the right Satanic high priests.
Sex = opening the spirit up to malevolent influence through the manipulation of the most basic, primitives drives humans have: to procreate and continue their genetic legacy. This is why God is so touchy about marriage. What does Hollywood feature? The sexualization of children. Why? Because if you sexualize them early enough, their spiritual discernment is damaged by putting them on a chase after the lusts of the flesh and pleasure. Doesn't matter that it's also a luciferian attack; the religious aspects are secondary (as Satan prefers) to that of the moral turpitude that results as it spreads like poison.
And what do we do? Why, we pay these ^&*#holes $$$ to be lied to, to be preached at, to have our children manipulated and groomed before our very eyes, and then be told that it's not really happening despite what we are witnessing. Why? What is the goal?
The goal is to prepare in humans a perpetual condition that is conducive to possession so that the indwelling of demonic spirits is facilitated and Satan's work can be done. The cure is to turn off the TV, stop spending money on these traitors who hate you and want to destroy you so they don't have to share a backyard with you, and accept the fact that these people will act as though Satan is real regardless of whether or not you believe. With that belief comes all the ills we see being perpetuated in society today.
Strong men --> Good times --> Soft men --> Hard times --> Strong men
We're here on this scale ---------------------^