- Jun 5, 2003
- 33,205
- 2,512
Just a reminder to all on this thread.
The question in the OP was effectively: where do human minds come from? Could they have evolved from some chimp or 'common ancestor'?
Depends on what you think "mind" means.
The obvious answer is, no they could not, and were therefore divinely created.
Ah, you've confused "mind" with "soul."
If they could not have 'evolved', then that casts a huge, dark shadow over the whole of evolution theory: a shadow which Darwin recognised, though his sycophants do not.
Christian theology recognizes that our bodies are produced naturally, but our souls are given directly by God. This is perfectly consistent with evolutionary theory.
Even Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer of evolution,
Natural Selection. Evolution had been realized for some time.
thought that evolution could only go so far. The gap between the intelligence of apes and that of humans was simply too wide to be bridged by natural selection, he said, and the human brain was so much larger and more complicated than what would have been sufficient for survival.
In a debate with Owens, Huxley used his own data to show that there was no structure in the human brain not already present in the brain of a chimp. So that falls apart, too.
Language was the great stumbling block, and still is.
Turns out, apes have rudimentary language skills, and are capable of communicating with humans by signing, even if they don't have the larynx suitable for speech.
The following overturns Barbarian's idea that the information needed for flight was already present in the genome somewhere:
This is, as you learned, demonstrably true. All the elements for flight were already present in dinosaurs before there were birds. Only slight modification was necessary, no no structures or behaviors were required.
Yet Darwin recognized the force of Wallace's objection. If a large brain, with all that such entailed, were not needed for survival, then natural selection could not account for it.
The brain seems to be a consequence of neotony in humans. We develop like other apes, but our maturation, and therefore the growth of the brain is prolonged. And this is entirely consistent with divine providence in creating us.
In flight terms, the existence of genes and information needed for flight LONG BEFORE flight actually emerged
Which, as you learned, is what happened. The structures and behaviors for flight emerged long before birds.
But the human mind, IF IT IS DESCENDED FROM SOME MONKEY/APE/COMMON ANCESTOR, can only produce monkey-like theories, which are by definition, nonsense.
And here, you've assumed what you proposed to prove. Circularity has defeated your purpose.