In Jeremiah 31, God declared that if one could stop the ordinances of His creation, then the seed of Israel would no longer exist. In other words, God has declared the seed of Israel will exist forever, and that includes His promises to them that have carried into the New Covenant Jesus Christ also. The problem is Christ's enemies do not want believers to see just how those promises to Israel are in effect on earth with The Gospel and among those in Christ Jesus.
That Israelite remnant of Romans 11:1-5 is specifically about the flesh seed of Israel that are in Christ Jesus, a remnant according to the election of Grace.
When we look at the how the western Christian nations were established, and their taking The Gospel to all other nations on earth (which is their job), what makes one think that has not involved the seed of Israel? And I'm not specifically talking about Jews, (though it does include Jews that believe on Christ Jesus.)
Have my brethren been deceived with the false teaching that only Jews are Israelites? I've long had a feeling that our Heavenly Father is somewhat hiding understanding of the history of the old kingdom of Israel being split into two separate kingdoms, each with their own king and having went to war against each other, literally becoming two separate nations. Yet that history is clearly written starting in 1 Kings 11 through 2 Kings 17. Why won't believers today read that and understand?
Here's a type of line history order about what I'm talking about...
1. Solomon took many wives of the nations, and he allowed them to bring in their nation's idols into Israel.
2. God's punishment for that was to "rent" the kingdom of Israel, but in the days of Solomon's son Rehoboam.
3. God sent His prophet to Jeroboam, an Ephramite of the "house of Joseph" which Solomon had put in charge over the many of the northern tribes of Israel. Jeroboam was offered "ten tribes" to rule over in the northern lands, where the majority of Israelites dwelt.
4. God said He would always leave one tribe in Jerusalem for the sake of Jerusalem and His servant David. That's the tribe of Judah.
5. When Solomon's son Rehoboam became king of Judah in Jerusalem (of the house of David), the ten tribes came to him to ask him to lighten the burdens Solomon had put on them. Rehoboam refused, and said he'd increase the burdens even more.
6. Rehoboam sent his ambassador to the northern tribes, and they killed him.
7. The ten tribes in the north then setup Jeroboam (house of Joseph) as their king at Samaria in the northern lands.
8. Rehoboam (king of Judah at Jerusalem) gathered the tribe of Judah, and the tribe of Benjamin, to make war and bring the ten tribes back into one kingdom again. Only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were with him.
9. God sent word to Rehoboam (of Judah) to not war against the ten tribes, for the split was of Him.
10. So Jeroboam (house of Joseph, from his son Ephraim) became king at Samaria over the ten tribes, and they became known as the "house of Israel" thereafter in God's Word. From this point of history forward (even today), the ten tribes are labeled as the "house of Israel" in God's Word.
11. Rehoboam (king of Judah) reigned in Jerusalem, with only two tribes joined under him, the tribe of Judah, and the tribe of Benjamin. His kingdom at Jerusalem-Judea became known as the "house of Judah" in God's Word thereafter.
12. Jeroboam (king of Israel, ten tribes only) set up common priests of the people in his kingdom, and he made two golden calf idols for the then tribes to worship in the north, to keep them from going down to Jerusalem fearing they would join with the king of Judah's kingdom, and make him stronger.
13. Because the Levites who only were to provide worship for the people of Israel, were not allowed to do their duty among the ten tribes, they migrated south to Jerusalem and joined with Judah and Benjamin at Jerusalem. The "house of Judah" then became 3 tribes, as it is still today.
14. Both kingdoms continued, each with a lineage of their own kings, and each kingdom held war against each other.
15. Then because of what Jeroboam (king of Israel over ten tribes) did with the calf idols, He brought the king of Assyria upon the northern kingdom (house of Israel), and in stages took them ALL out of the land, captive to Assyria and the cities of the Medes. They did not return.
16. Then the king of Assyria took peoples from five different provinces around Babylon, each that worshipped their own pagan god, and placed them in the northern lands where the ten tribes had dwelt. These became the Samaritans. They were not of the seed of Israel.
17. Then around 120 after this, the house of Judah at Jerusalem also fell away from God, and He brought the king of Babylon upon them, and took the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi captive to Babylon. It was to last 70 years. The king of Babylon destroyed the city of Jerusalem and Solomon's temple. Then ten tribes were still scattered in captivity.
18. After the 70 years captivity, a small remnant of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and very few of Levi, returned to Jerusalem to rebuild it and the second temple. The largest part of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi remained in Babylon of their own will, but would be further scattered through the nations like the ten tribes were.
19. The returning house of Judah to Jerusalem began to officially use the title of Jew, including all the non-Israelite inhabitants of the lands around Jerusalem.
20. The ten tribes were not recorded as returning to the lands of Israel, and never have to this day, but have become 'lost' to the world. They made up the majority of the number of Israelites, from ten tribes.
21. Archaeological records do exist, like the Behistun Rock in modern day Iraq, to show the captivity of the ten tribes there. They lost their Israelite heritage.
22. God said in Amos 9 that He will sift the seed of the house of Israel (ten tribes) like corn through a sieve, and not one grain would fall upon the ground. It means HE knows where the ten tribes are scattered to even today, and has promised to bring them back to their original inheritance of the land in final, under Christ Jesus.
So just because a lot of people today think only the Jews are Israelites, that's not actually true per the histories in God's Word, and the archaeological history that stands a proof. The ten tribes did not take the name 'Jew'. The word Jew, per the Jewish historian Josephus, said that title comes from the sole tribe of Judah. It became an appeallation only for the tribes of the "house of Judah", the southern kingdom at Jerusalem of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi.
The covenants of promises God gave to Israel are part of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul confirms that in Ephesians 2. Those promises involve 1) plenty of corn and wine, put for God given possession of great natural resources and wealth, 2) controlling the gates of their enemies on earth, meaning even the going and coming of their enemies, and 3) an everlasting seed to sit upon the throne of David unto all generations, 4) great number of physical seed, as many as the sands of the sea and stars of the sky. Believe it not, those promises involve Christ's Gospel. But where?
In Romans 9, Apostle Paul mentioned that those of Israel, are not all of Israel. That those of the Promise are counted for the seed. That's about spiritual seed, believers of both Israelite and Gentile on The Savior Jesus Christ. Some try to use that to replace the literal seed of Israel, that remnant election of Romans 11:1-5, but it won't work. The promise of great number of seed has always been part of God's Birthright Promise to literal Israel, even from the beginning.
So if that's part of the New Covenant, which it is, where could those promises have been established after Christ's Resurrection? Primarily among the Christian nations in the west, and their satellite territories. And that means a literal seed of Israel, along with believing Gentiles, as one Body, what Paul called "the commonwealth of Israel" in Eph.2. And if we can see how populous the Jewish people are today, then multiply that by almost 4 for the literal seed of lost ten tribe Israelites today.
Many of the non-believing Jews will be included in that "commonwealth of Israel" one day, coming to Christ Jesus. That's one of God's promises to the seed of Israel also, joining both houses of Israel back together to their original inheritances of lands in the middleast, believing Gentiles being joined with Israel. That's what is to occur when Christ Jesus does return to this earth, as written. That is what the great gathering to Christ is really about per Scripture.
So who are the naysayers that think God has cast His people Israel away which He did foreknow? The actual ones behind that are the enemies of Christ. One deceived in ignorance can be doing their works, but there's a hidden element that's actually the cause ("workers of iniquity", and "mystery of iniquity"). When Christ returns, He will deal with those hidden elements that work against Him and His people that believe on Him.