Brother Mike
Good! See how easy it is to agree.
No, they are NOT. It's not possible for 'US' individually or collectively to BE GOD. That is impossible unless we ARE GOD. We do not have that seat. Our seat is progressive, but limited sharing in His Spirit. It is limited by the fact of His Superiority over "all things." We are "created" which puts US in and under 'subjection' to Him Who Is Greater.
I agree. The very fact that we need our attentions drawn shows us what? Our lack.
Great. I think I'm only discussing the obvious that any believer can come into understanding of as it pertains to God and not equaling Him to any "thing" in creation or trying to make God a "subject" or "lesser" of any thing. It would generally be proposed in the realm as Divine Undefinable Sovereignty i.e. An Eternal Mystery.
Thanks Smaller, we think a bit different of course. I believe that he laws and word of God is written in our heart. I believe Jesus when He said not one is good, but my Father in Heaven, but on the same token, I believe it's also possible to be perfect like the Father (Walk in all the light given you) and Come to the full stature and Measure of the Anointing (Christ) and his purpose and anointing. (Eph 4) I believe God has given us the tools to overcome walking in the dictates of the flesh.
As for Election, I believe everyone was created for his Workmanship, God sets everyone in the body according to his divine will and purpose, and all those who believed in Christ Jesus no longer have their own life, but better follow and obey Him that made us by His election and plan for us.
We can't be good on our own, but with all the tools, through the anointing, Word which transforms us, and God's correction, we can walk pleasing to Him.
Thank you for responding back.
God bless.
Edited to remove discussion of Trinity. The material has been posted in the appropriate thread and is not lost.
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