AVBunyan said:
Mec - Did Calvary pass you by or something? :o
Was Christ's shedding of blood and death and resurrection not suffcient for your sins?
Are you still under OT law where you have to keep going back because the bulls and goats were not sufficent?
What is so hard about?
Col 1:14 In whom we
have redemption through his blood, even the
forgiveness of sins

Christ died once - forgiveness for saints is one time act - finished.
Arre you going to tell me that when you sin then you go back to an unforgiven state or that sin remains unforgiven untill your "powerful forgvieness request" clears it out?
Do you mean your "power forgiveness request" can re-apply the blood? :o
That's some power there!!! :o
Hey Mec - are you really a Catholic? Because you sound like it here? They have to go to priests and mass to get clean and you have to ask forgivenes - What's the difference? :o
He he he!!! Not 'QUITE'. Our Catholic brothers out there would take SERIOUS offense to you comparing me to them. I PROMISE.
We are TOLD that we ARE to follow the COMMANDMENTS of Christ. Av, what happens when we DON'T follow that which Christ TOLD us we MUST follow?
Do you TRULY 'believe' that ALL one MUST do is 'confess' Christ as their Savior? Yet we KNOW that Faith WITHOUT 'works' IS DEAD. And it TAKES 'faith' in ORDER to BE 'saved'. Yet we HAVE that 'faith is DEAD' that produces NO WORKS.
Catholic...............you are a 'funny guy'.
Christ's DEATH was ONCE AND FOR ALL. But that is NOT to 'believe' in some kind of UNIVERSALISM. We were TOLD to 'run the race' as IF we MEAN TO WIN IT. What would be the PURPOSE of such statements IF there were NO WAY to LOOSE what has been 'given'?
What God GIVES through Jesus Christ HE IS CERTAINLY ABLE to 'take away'. That is EXACTLY what I MEAN by CONDITIONAL. ALL are NOT 'saved'. Your 'election' proposition is WEAK as well. There ARE the 'elect'. But this is NOT ALL that are 'saved'. If so, then there would be NO NEED for witness or testimony.
I offered you scripture before that you dismissed for it was NOT what you chose to accept. In these words Christ offers WHO are to BE 'saved' and WHO are NOT. We EVEN have the message that there were MANY that followed Christ and when He 'pointed OUT' exactly to that which I refer, MANY turned away and NEVER followed Him again. Indicating that these were "HEARERS of the Word ONLY". Thought there was 'something to gain' by following Him, but when the TRUTH was 'pointed out', in their hearts they were convicted and turned and walked AWAY.
And there is NO MAN MADE LAW that is ABLE to 'save'. Salvation IS contained within the 'circumcision of the heart'. That 'changing' that can ONLY come from Spirit. And JUST as one is ABLE to receive the Spirit, they are ALSO able to REJECT IT.
Do you LOVE ME? Do you know what MOST say when confronted with LOST LOVE? You NEVER loved me to START with. An EASY OUT. One of a 'pair' drops the ball in a relationship and the ONLY 'out' that they have is; "you NEVER loved me to start with'. When in REALITY, the other HAD loved them DEARLY and that love was 'allowed to wither'. To the point that what LITTLE love that was left was NOT ENOUGH to 'put it BACK together.
I mention this for those that belive in OSAS are AWFUL QUICK to offer this; 'Well, that only means that they WEREN'T 'saved' to START with. Yet the Bible speaks CONTRARY to this 'belief'. Stating that ONCE one COMES to the 'truth', (is SAVED), that IF they 'turn away' their LAST state IS worse than the beginning'. A PRIME indication, (if not OUTRUGHT STATEMENT), that one IS able to CHOOSE what they follow. And IF they SO CHOOSE, they are PLENTY able to 'turn away' and LOOSE that which they were 'given'. For the GIFT IS CONDITIONAL. We have half a BOOK offering these conditions.
NO, one CANNOT 'work' their way to heaven. But there WILL be 'works' apparent in those that 'follow' Christ. And IF one 'turns away' from that which IS COMMANDED, then there is NO MORE OFFERED than that which has ALREADY BEEN offered. Yes, one CAN 'turn back', but that SAME PERSON may NOT EVER TURN BACK BEFORE THEIR PHYSICAL DEATH. Just as IF the Prodigal son had DIED or made a 'different' decision, his father would have NEVER been able to accept him back into his open arms.