Greetings to you in the love of Jesus Christ
I've not come to cause division among us or the brethen. I do not want to be quarrelsome with you or anyone, the Holy Spirit is not exemplified when doing so.
You said that my correction to you was "offensive" and for that I want to apologize and asking for forgiveness? It was not a post to be made to offend you or anyone.
Hi Atonement,
I understand that, but I thought I should let you know as I don't think it is something you realized. You are forgiven.
However, the correction still stands.
You may be right in what you have been teaching here, you may be 100% correct..
In all humbleness I have to say - I don't care how well you know the Word of God, how clearly you can explain it on the forums, how well you know Greek, nor how many master degrees you have in Biblical doctrine. If you don't express yourself out of love.. You have nothing! 1 Corinthians 13:2
I don't see much love in your post(s) on this thread. In fact if we were to go back and look at some of the responses made to you - I've read some the following --- "proud sinner," "I will pass on you," "You should think about how you express yourself," "difficulty following some of the discussion on this thread," "won't respond to the criticism" ... Just to name a few. This may or may not be pointed towards you Doulos Iesou, however, it's written on this thread. So why do I bring this out in the open?
You know, I went back through all of my posts reading over each one to see if your objections is legitimate, and while I certainly don't praise and encourage every single person I responded to (I need to improve in this, as I am kind of a logically minded, matter of fact kind of person) I made an effort not to personally attack nor speak ill of any individuals posting. I may have called what they posted and said into question, and criticized it, but that is because I want to present an alternative to the ever increasing false teaching of Easy Believism that is taking over the Church.
I do not consider myself to be any kind of scholar on the matter, I have a working knowledge of the Original languages that grows as I progress with Christ. I don't have any Biblical degrees, I just have a passion for the Word of God and have been this way since I was saved reading the Bible and encountering the gospel. And I surely don't believe I'm God's gift to the forum, and the only one contending for what's really true.
I am a fallible man, and I try to be very specific and direct so that those who disagree with me may be able to understand what I have to say and choose to 1) not listen, 2) disagree, or 3) agree
My response:
Tell me what spirit are you in alignment with?
1 Corinthians 14:33 Spirit of confusion?
1 Corinthians 1:10-13 Spirit of division?
2 Timothy 2:24 quarrelsome spirit?
Clearly we see all of these spirits by the reactions of those that respond under you. Are you not able to see the same?
Well if you are going to use Scripture against me to correct me, then it should be used correctly.
For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33(ESV)
In the context, Paul is talking about orderly worship, that those who prophesy should not do so all at once and speak over each other, but rather the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets and they can all wait one by one to give a prophecy. In fact "confusion" almost misrepresents what the Greek word here means, which is of course the opposite of order, which is disorder, unstable and out of control.
This isn't referring to someone being confused as to what a person is saying, many people were confused with what Paul was saying, even Peter said much of what he said was hard to understand and people twisted it to their own destruction. Is Paul then operating in a spirit of confusion? No, it's just sometimes getting to the truth of the matter takes a little more work and little more thinking than some are willing to do.
I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe’s people that there is quarreling among you, my brothers. What I mean is that each one of you says, “I follow Paul,” or “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Cephas,” or “I follow Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? 1 Corinthians 1:10-13(ESV)
My purpose is not to be intentionally divisive, I do not get a kick out of disagreeing with a fellow brother in the Lord and it is sad tragedy that has plagued the Church since the 1st Century so it seems. However, this fact remains and it is that "Doctrine Divides," we can easily just camp on a certain group of texts and talk about the love of God and the texts that focus on assurance. Even so that we disregard the texts that speak about how difficult the journey of salvation is, that it is to lose one's life and see that they have found it. To makes Jesus Christ their all and only hope and not just in word or "belief" but a believe that evinces a deep change by the Spirit in the person's heart so that they are enabled to radically live for Jesus in holiness, truth and love if only they'd obey.
Also, Jesus himself brought much division and so did Paul. One instance he even set the Pharisee's against the Sadducees on purpose in order to get them to discuss the resurrection of the dead (which he knew they disagreed on). Or he and Barnabus even disagreed so severely that they had to part ways.
The truth on this matter my friend, especially when it comes to salvation (which is an eternal issue) is far to important to concede on and ignore the teachings of God's Word. We cannot afford to kill the truth in the streets for the sake of a cheap peace.
Disagreement is not hateful, or unloving, or disrespectful. Indeed for some it might be the most loving thing one can do, to speak honestly on a difficult subject.
This kind of spirit that you are showing is quite common in the current debates in our culture on Abortion and Same Sex Marriage, we would remain silent rather than "offend" and leave them in their own error.
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 2 Timothy 2:24(ESV)
In this context Paul is admonishing Timothy, and laying out what a worker approved by God looks like, and how he handles disagreements. I must submit that I sometimes can be a little pugnacious and eager to debate, sometimes lacking in patience and gentleness (it doesn't help that my tone over the internet can not be understood generally). That is why I put it in my signature to regularly remind myself to exemplify this, and live according to it. Often it leads to conviction on my side and continual repentance and reformation of character by God's grace of course.
I understand that I could have responded in a more patient and kind way in my posts, though I do not regret speaking on the matters that were somewhat challenging.
I'm coming to you in love -hard love- maybe, but in love none the less. All I asked was that you "let it go" because this "could" cause a stumbling block for some people.. That's all.. You could have taken this advice (in love) and been thoughtful of others and their walk with Christ and taken this to debate in the proper area where debates should go.
This is sad, ultimately what this means is this:
"You are only warranted to speak here and offer your opinion as long as it, a) offends no one, b) everyone generally agrees with it, and c) stop talking about it when we tell you."
This is too reminiscent of our culture which seeks to cut out the voice of the gospel in our culture, to invalidate the message of Scripture and only talk about what's agreed upon and works.
Jesus' words are indeed challenging, and people NEED to hear ALL of what he has said, not just the parts we in our own selfish (not necessarily speaking of you or anyone in particular) desires wish to assert. There are many here who perhaps are living a completely ungodly life and stake all their assurance on praying a prayer, and some here would seek to give such a person assurance of salvation when the Bible would NEVER warrant such a thing. It is not loving to tell a cancer patient that he is well, love as I have stated over and over again, delights in the truth.
I cannot delight when I see the false teaching of easy believism represented, without at least some acknowledgement of the difficulty and radical calling of being Jesus disciple
How many guest see this forum? As I wright this, there are 48 members signed in and 165 guest.. Guess what area has the most views right now? THIS ONE! How many of those are New Christians or coming here to seek answers because they have fragile faith? How many people come looking for answers because they question their Salvation? How many people read the General Area because they don't want to read the debates in the A&T section (my hand is now raised). Some of us pick and choose very carefully what threads we post under; I do this for a reason.
Who then decides what should be discussed and what should not be discussed? Because I disagree am I unwelcome to state my opinions and numerous Scriptures with which I object? Would we rather deceive those who are weaker in their faith to misrepresent a teaching so that later on as they learn (as I did) they would encounter this teaching of Jesus and be angry and perplexed that I had been taught wrongly.
I have reached out to the poster you were concerned about and made sure I nothing I said was being taken that way, and if there is anyone else reading they can talk to me personally and ask me questions about what I have been saying.
Again, I come to you in a spirit of love - I talk to people all the time, and people question their Salvation every day in this world, they question if they are truly Saved or not - this lie comes straight out of the pit from Hell. And it seems to me Doulos Iesou, unless someone comes right out and say's to you that they question their Salvation, you will disagree with me, and that's fine I suppose, but not in the best position to be in.
Should we give an unrepentant homosexual assurance of salvation because they once prayed a prayer? Not everyone should be given assurance, and to say that to do this in general is a lie from the pit of Hell is rather extreme. We seek to encourage those in the faith yes, and sometimes that manifests itself in the loving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen for our sins and salvation. Yet, other times it comes with calling our Christian brothers and ourselves to radically life lives of purpose for the glory of God and for the sake of the gospel message being advanced.
God loves every person reading this forum where they are at, and even at their worst. But he loves them enough not to leave them there, and the grace of God isn't just to cover up their blemishes, but to really.. actually make them to be more like Christ by the power of that same Spirit who rose him from the dead. That's what I want to see preached when God's grace advances
I will not respond under this thread again. I've said what I felt the Spirit has asked me to say, I've made it be known. You now have been given the power to choose how you will respond, I would hope that you take a day to reflect like I did... And no matter how you respond to this, LOVE is the primary spirit that we as believers should be serving one another in..
God Bless you my friend
I may greatly disagree with much of what you have said in this thread (though certainly not all of it), but I understand we should cut the conversation short here and if you wish to discuss it further we can do that privately. I just would like you to know that for me, to betray my convictions and concede to some of the hyper-grace teachings offered in this thread would be to do a disservice to those reading.
I respond and disagree, because I care and love the truth as well as those who would read this.
Blessings in Christ to your brother,
Servant of Jesus