If, indeed there IS a so-called "Trinity," then Yeshua (Jesus) would not be the Son of God, He would be the Son of the Holy Spirit, for indeed it was the Spirit whom impregnated Miriam (Mary.)
Don't forget that Yeshua is also referred to as "Immanuel" which means "God is with us." God literally became a man. How else could the Covenant be of any worth, if not for the death of the Testator? (Heb 9:16, "For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the Testator.") If Jesus was NOT God in the Flesh, His suffering and death was for NOTHING! "For a testament is of force after men are dead; otherwise it is of no strength at all while the Testator lives."
Yes, Yeshua (this name means "Salvation" in Hebrew), was indeed of lesser equality, ONLY IN THE SENSE THAT HE WAS FLESH. I've heard some ask, "Did Jesus pray to Himself?" Yes, He did! For Isaiah 66:23 says that "All FLESH will come to worship Me." God was flesh, so He had to worship Himself. Had He not worshipped and prayed to Himself, He would've broken His own Torah! To think otherwise is blasphemy. God does not disobey God.
Where was Yeshua in the "Old" Testament? Since John 1:1 tells us that Yeshua was the WORD, He was literally the SPOKEN WORD that God uttered! So how can one make a "God-head" out of speech?
Folks, there IS NO TRINITY in the sense of 3 "God-heads." God is ONE. He has 3 parts (Father, Son and Spirit) just like you and I are ONE (but we have 3 parts- body, soul and spirit). We are created in HIS image, and are we three? No.... we are one.