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Is Jesus really God ?


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I could not help but notice that the quote you referenced was changed (from the KJV1900, as referenced). The actual quote is, John 1:18, "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."

Perhaps you were quoting a different version? If so, I'd be interested to know which, please?


This is from the NIV version . I also do a lot of studies from Biblio .com . There is a lot you can research there.
I am in agreement that Jesus is God. But I have to admit, that it almost sounds like your trying to discount the triune nature of the three. One God, three separate Persons. Are you making a conclusion that is contrary to this? Just curious. Trying to understand your thoughts clearer.

God is Triune ! The Father, Word/Son, and Holy Ghost !
But if you say we cannot know the specifics and yet we have to use a specific word to describe the nature of the components then that is a little,....shall we say....rigid? No?

I would say people can use whatever word they want as long as they recognise that all 3 components are divine then.....s'all good.
No. The Bible reveals that God is triune--that the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God, yet all remain distinct, in some way, from each other. We know that there is a "person-ness"--mind, will, emotions, relation, etc.--to each but all exist somehow as one being.

The same reasoning is why I say Jesus is truly God and truly man, rather than the typical fully God and fully man or 100% God and 100% man. As soon as certain language is used--"100%" or "fully"--it brings problems such as the often used response: how can Jesus be 100% God and 100% man? Should it not be 50/50? Or whatever. The issue gets more confusing and clouded based on the terminology that is used, which is why it is important to use certain words and avoid others.

Similarly, with regards to the Trinity, we can't say each is 1/3 or something of the sort. We don't know, and can't know, the specifics of the union of the three as one, just as we cannot know the specifics of how Jesus can be both truly God and truly man.

But we do know enough from Scripture so that we can choose appropriate terminology to best describe the nature of God and how each "person" relates to the other and to us. The use of "manifestation" immediately confuses the issue with oneness. The use of "entity" can cause confusion with other spirits or "ghosts" and "apparitions," which are commonly referred to as entities and really don't bring to mind the idea of "person-ness." As I stated above, "person" brings to mind all sorts of important things, not the least of which is that we cal be in relationship with, and know and be known by, this triune being we call God.
No. The Bible reveals that God is triune--that the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God, yet all remain distinct, in some way, from each other. We know that there is a "person-ness"--mind, will, emotions, relation, etc.--to each but all exist somehow as one being.

The same reasoning is why I say Jesus is truly God and truly man, rather than the typical fully God and fully man or 100% God and 100% man. As soon as certain language is used--"100%" or "fully"--it brings problems such as the often used response: how can Jesus be 100% God and 100% man? Should it not be 50/50? Or whatever. The issue gets more confusing and clouded based on the terminology that is used, which is why it is important to use certain words and avoid others.

Similarly, with regards to the Trinity, we can't say each is 1/3 or something of the sort. We don't know, and can't know, the specifics of the union of the three as one, just as we cannot know the specifics of how Jesus can be both truly God and truly man.

But we do know enough from Scripture so that we can choose appropriate terminology to best describe the nature of God and how each "person" relates to the other and to us. The use of "manifestation" immediately confuses the issue with oneness. The use of "entity" can cause confusion with other spirits or "ghosts" and "apparitions," which are commonly referred to as entities and really don't bring to mind the idea of "person-ness." As I stated above, "person" brings to mind all sorts of important things, not the least of which is that we cal be in relationship with, and know and be known by, this triune being we call God.

The more I think of's funny.....I've never thought of the Holy Spirit as having a "personailty". Jesus and God the Father yeah...but Holy Spirit? Nah.
The more I think of's funny.....I've never thought of the Holy Spirit as having a "personailty". Jesus and God the Father yeah...but Holy Spirit? Nah.
Are you being serious or facetious?
Um.....neither?....I was just thinking aloud. Why have I offended you in some way? If I have I humbly apologize, I didnt mean to.
I'm not offended at all. Just trying to figure out whether or not you were looking for an answer. :)
I'll certainly take onboard a response if you have one fella.
I don't have the time at the moment to delve too deep or give references, suffice it to say that the Holy Spirit appears to be thought of as a person in the NT:

speaks (Acts 1:16; 21:11; 28:25)
gives (Acts 2:4)
can be lied to (Acts 5:3)
witnesses (Acts 5:32--also refers to the HS as "whom")
can be resisted (Acts 7:51)
comforts (Acts 9:31)
sends (Acts 13:4)
determines (Acts 15:28)
appoints (Acts 20:28)
forbids (Acts 16:6)

Getting back to topic , the Bible tells us that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega , the beginning and the End ( Rev 22:13) This means from the very beginning , Jesus was there . There was never a time when Jesus did not exist.

Before Jesus was born in Bethlehem , He existed as the Second Person of the Trinity (John 17: 5 ; 17:24 ) THese passages tell us that there was a relationship of love., fellowship and shared glory that the Father and the Son sahred in eternity past. THe name " Jesus' was not known as a name for the Second Person of the Tinity until the angel Gabriel announced it to Mary ( Luke 1:31) . But the eternal Son existed before He revealed Himself as " Jesus"

Before Bethlehem , Jesus was the creator of all things ( Colossians 1: 16-17 .... John 1:1 -3 ) .... " He was before all things . As he is the Creator of all things , so he is the Eternal , and no part of what was created . All being but God has been created . What ever has not been created is God . But Jesus is the Creator of all things ; therefore he is God ; for he cannot be a part of his own work ( Clarke)

In the OT , Jesus appeared as God made visable or " THe angel of the Lord " . There are many instances in the OT where individuals are shown to have a face to face encounter with the LORD ( note LORD is always in upper case ) ( Genesis 16:7- 13 ; Genesis 18, Genesis 32 :24-32 ; Joshua 5:13-15 ; Judges 6: 11 -24 ; Daniel 3)

In each situation , the Person is given different titles , but in all cases the person is plainly referred to as the LORD Hinself , but appearing in a human form.

Knowing that Jesus ' goings forth are from of old , from everlasting shows us some important things.

It shows us that the glory of Jesus , that He is far more than a man .
It shows us the love of Jesus , that He would leave the glory of heaven for us
It shows us the nature of Jesus , that He would add humanity to His deity .
It shows us the sympathy of Jesus , that He remains fully man and fully God .
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I don't have the time at the moment to delve too deep or give references, suffice it to say that the Holy Spirit appears to be thought of as a person in the NT:

speaks (Acts 1:16; 21:11; 28:25)
gives (Acts 2:4)
can be lied to (Acts 5:3)
witnesses (Acts 5:32--also refers to the HS as "whom")
can be resisted (Acts 7:51)
comforts (Acts 9:31)
sends (Acts 13:4)
determines (Acts 15:28)
appoints (Acts 20:28)
forbids (Acts 16:6)



This clearly shows the Holy Spirit as a personality. Thanks for opening my eyes to that. :thumbsup

Heb 12:23 Teaches Jesus is God !
Heb 12:

23To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,

Notice, that this scripture says to God, the Judge of All, but scripture informs us that the Father Judgeth no one, and All Judgment has been committed to the Son per:

Jn 5:22

For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:

The writer uses the adjective pas [all] Judgments.

All manner of Judgments, all types and cases of Judgment of Men, hath been given into the Hands of the Son.

That would have to include that one pointed out in Heb 12:23

But its no problem when We understand that the Father considers the Son as God too Heb 1:

8But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

It will Be His Throne that the world must Face shortly

Rev 20:11

And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

12And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

This is what Heb 12 23 refers to..
Warning: Elvispelvis is a Christadelpian.

If others are as unaware of their teachings, they reject:

The Trinity
Jesus existence prior to being born
Jesus is God in the flesh
The Person and Deity of the Holy Spirit
Salvation by Grace through Faith alone
Immortality of the soul
The existence of the fallen angel, Lucifer
The existence of hell
Warning warning christadelphians are not allowed an opinion they may lead you into christadelphianism.
Do not read their posts they could cause brain damage.
You are only allowed to post christian things here.

I notice you could not answer the questions with scripture.
why not?
because I am tainted?
I notice you could not answer the questions with scripture.
why not?
because I am tainted?

No, I didn't because I know better than to feed the trolls

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