- Nov 23, 2012
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But the Holy Spirit will bring that person back...Who was sanctified?
What were they guilty of?
I also gave a brief explanation:
If someone is sanctified, they can return to the sin they were cleansed from.
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But the Holy Spirit will bring that person back...Who was sanctified?
What were they guilty of?
I also gave a brief explanation:
If someone is sanctified, they can return to the sin they were cleansed from.
Sorry JLB....been busy two days and there's too much to read.Who was sanctified?
What were they guilty of?
I also gave a brief explanation:
If someone is sanctified, they can return to the sin they were cleansed from.
Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threatsSorry JLB....been busy two days and there's too much to read.
Missed your explanation....I think.
The question was:
Were the sanctified once guilty?
And YOUR questions are:
WHO was sanctified?
WHAT were they guilty of?
So, I'd say YES,,,,those that are currently sanctified were once guilty.
Because man is born guilty and needs salvation.
1 Corinthians 6:11
11Such were some of you [the unrighteous]; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
The above answers all questions:
We were all guilty...we were all unrighteous.
THEN we became sanctified -- set aside to do God's work.
Too tired to think hard.Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now
Bob Dylan
FF....I believe Psalm 51:5 ... I have not commented on the question above. I have only commented on the statement that babies are born innocent. To this Psalm 51:5 should be a clear answer.
This is false. Post #301 JLB states: "However, little children who know neither good nor evil are innocent, until they commit sin."
Agreed ... no idea why this is relevant
Nope, talk later about it.Too tired to think hard.
Is the above saying what my post no. 382 is saying?
Do we know now what we don't know?
We are younger NOW....we know we know less.
That's not a fair thing to say, is it?But you're thinking in human terms here.
Yes it does. Have a look at this article:Justice, BTW, does not mean maintaining the good.
No, it is judgement that does that, which is why we are commanded to not judge others, because God is the one who has the ability to judge finally and without error.Justice means that each one gets what he deserves.
See, now that is the human (fallen) way of thinking!If you don't get the difference, that's fine...it's a theory, and if you check each one you'll find that each one is lacing something
or other.
I do understand the difference.
In one God is mad and wrathful...a mean God that wants to punish someone very high up for Adam's sin and letting Him down.
God's justice has been tarnished? .. what is that supposed to mean?In the other God is a just God and His justice has been tarnished and he's forced to ammend for this.
Nope. It truly in fact is not. It is -dogma- centred, otherwise it would be judging the issuing of the sacraments upon the visible sanctification of each person in their appearance and turning away those who don't belong to him on the basis of spirit rather than dogma (Romans 8:9), and it wouldn't be teaching that young children need to be baptised because it would acknowledge that the kingdom of heaven already belongs to them just as Jesus said also.The Catholic Church is Jesus centered.
I'm still looking for one that takes me in, I've told you that. It has to be willing to produce the fruits of righteousness.It does also teach about Mary and if this bothers you, then it bothers you.
Mary was the mother of our Lord and she is to be respected and loved.
The CC does not teach that she is to be worshipped.
But if it's not for you, then I just pray you find a church you do like.
There are plenty to choose from.
I would just add that in Protestantism Original Sin is what is known in some denominations as the Sin Nature...
which actually resembles concupiscense more.
The O.S. which Adam commited is what we have been imbued with...its effects.
Which we could call concupiscense or the sin nature.
Actual sin is the same...the sin that we commit individually and for which we are responsible.
I don't believe this has a name in Protestantism...it's just called sin.
If I'm wrong about this...anyone could correct me (re the calling it sin).
A fetus or a very young child that knows not the difference between right or wrong yet can have no sin found in them, but what is found in all humans from the time they were just a fetus is the nature to sin. We didn't inherit Adams sin as that was his own, but since sin was introduced into the world by him it has become our nature in the flesh to sin.Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned— Romans 5:12
How does a man who sins, beget a sinless child?
Each child is conceived with a physical body that contains sin, passed on from our father.
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
And in sin my mother conceived me.
Psalm 51:5
This does not mean a child is a sinner, it means the child has sin in their physical body.
But the Holy Spirit will bring that person back...
Good morning, the person that has the Holy Spirit living in them, such as you.Which person?
I disagree.Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
And in sin my mother conceived me.
Psalm 51:5
This does not mean a child is a sinner, it means the child has sin in their physical body.
I disagree.
Those of you who view this passage as such only use it to prop up your own theological argument in support of a dry and shallow doctrine.
Many don’t know their Old Testament well enough to pick up the nuances and understand the narrative.
if we look at the specific context, David is writing in a time we’re he is heavy of heart. David slept with the wife of another man and got her pregnant. But not only a man, but a righteous man. He then had that man murdered. In response, God is going to take his child once he’s born.
This is the overarching context. David is full of grief and is at a very low spot in his life. We even read how grieved David is. He is unkept and is fasting. Even his servants are concerned over his grief.
We do the scriptures injustice when we assign meanings that were never intended, especially for arguments sake.
Read Psalm 69 as well, and ask why David feels this way. Why has his family abandoned him? Ask yourself why he, as the youngest is alone tending the sheep without help? Ask yourself why the youngest is not thought of when Samuel visits. You will learn that David is an outcast in his own family because of who his Mother is, and who his grandmother Ruth was. This article may assist you.
Nitzevet, Mother of David - The bold voice of silence
He was Israel’s mightiest warrior, revered by friend and foe; yet for the first 28 years of his life he was a lowly outcast . . . The secret story behind the mysterious circumstances of King David’s birth.www.chabad.org
The verse in question comes from a man who was looked down on his whole life by his family, including his father. A child is to be cherished and loved by his Father, yet Jesse wants nothing to do with him and turns his brothers in shame toward him.. David is a blemish to his Father. In David’s eyes, his own conception was purely a sexual act with disregard for any child. This runs parallel with the child Bathsheba is now carrying. Their union was purely sexual, and it turned into the murder of a righteous man.
In Gods eyes, sex is sacred. Children are sacred, without spot and without blemish.
Psalm 139:14
New International Version
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Who said?Wondering,
It gets us into the OSAS vs OSNS debate & we can't discuss it on CFnet.
Concupiscence is not synonymous with original sin. Rather, concupiscence is itself an effect of original sin.
We used to have a member on here that was very sensitive to the use of the word NATURE.Additionally, it is important to remember that original sin is a deprivation; the lack of grace due to the fall of Adam. Yet this does not mean man has a sin nature. It simply means man is lacking something (grace). If man's nature itself was sinful, then the following would be the result:
1. God would be the creator of sin. For each time He created a new person, he would be bringing forth sin (and evil) into the world.
2. Man could not be held accountable for his sinful acts. For he would simply be acting as he was created, in accordance with his nature. His sins would be God's fault, not his own.
3. It would mean Christ Himself assumed a sinful nature.
I don't think this is well developed and thought out in modern Protestantism.
And Iagree.f you read my post’s, I stated that little children are innocent.
I don’t even understand what that means.. sounds like high theology to me.For this statement, I was accused of teaching that everyone is born of immaculate conception.
We share the same position.My position is to teach what the scriptures teach, and reconcile the truth that sin and death were spread to all men from Adam, as well as the truth that children are innocent, not knowing good from evil.
It’s nice to know that your loved.For this stance I seem to be getting it from both sides, which I’m used too. So be it.
God empowers his creation...Did God form your body from the dust of the ground and place you in your mothers womb, or were you procreated by your father and mother engaging in the sacred act of sex?
I won’t split hairs here, but I believe God breathed his spirit into Adam making Adam a living soul and that spirit spans through humanity. All humanity has Gods spirit within them ( not to be confused with the Holy Spirit) and Gods spirit returns to Him, and our bodies return to the dust of the earth. Zach understands this and I believe is foundational to what he wrote.God formed our spirit within us.
I don’t really see them as distinctly different. As a whole, God gives his spirit to all regardless if the sexual act was sacred or as dirty as rape. In the same way, every body will return to the earth...When we grasp these two distinctly different truths, we can come forth with a healthy balance of two seemingly opposing ideas.
Not every body is conceived in sin. When two people fall in love and commit themselves to one another (in marriage) and experience sex the way God designed it, then the two become one in body and spirit. This love in no way produces a dirty child.
- Our bodies are conceived in sin.
- Our spirits are formed within us, by the Lord.
I won’t split hairs here, but I believe God breathed his spirit into Adam making Adam a living soul
Not every body is conceived in sin.