To spank or not to spank that is the question. I'm basically asking this question to everybody out there. Whether you're a parent or would like to become a parent in the future, do you believe in spanking a child as discipline? I personally believe that although spanking doesn't work for everybody spanking a child is sometimes required. Not enough to actually beat them or hurt them, but a swat on the behind for trying to run out into the middle of the street is doing it out of love for the child in my mind. (that's what my mother did to me when I tried that as a kid) It means that you love your child enough to make sure he or she never does it again. However, you should also really explain to your child why they got a spanking in that situation and really explain to them about the importance of safety and that they should always hold your hand (if they are very young) and look both ways before crossing the street. Now mind you I don't think that spank your child every time they talk back to you or refuse to clean their room. It definitely should not be overused. A good timeout is also very good discipline as it allows the child to stop and think about what they did wrong. So, what are your opinions on spanking? I'm not talking about taking a belt to the child either. I think a nice little swat on the behind every now then isn't that big of a deal. It's when it's constant and overdone that it starts to become abuse.