What are you missing (your language) in not seeing the difference between inspiration of all the words vs inspiration of the message of Scripture?
When I state that I believe in verbal, plenary inspiration, I mean that I believe all of the Bible is inspired, right down to the very last word.
If I believe in non-verbal plenary inspiration (e.g. inspiration of the "message"), that would mean I believe the Bible is inspired only to its message or concepts - not every word in Scripture. That means the Bible could contain historical errors that are not inspired.
Message or concept inspiration of the Bible means the message is inspired but not the words. This means the concepts / message of the Bible are authoritative but "message inspiration" means that in some situations in the Bible, the words used can be erroneous.
The falsehood in "message inspiration" is found in asking: How are messages / concepts expressed that are inspired? They are expressed in words. If we change the words, we change the message / concept.
The major problem with message / concepts inspiration is that it allows errors to infiltrate Scripture, all in the name of inspiration.
The view of orthodox Christianity is the theory of plenary, verbal inspiration. The word
plenary means “complete or full,” and
verbal means “the very words of Scripture.” So plenary, verbal inspiration is the view that every single word in the Bible is the very word of God. It’s not just the ideas or thoughts that are inspired, but the words themselves. Second Timothy 3:16–17 uses a unique Greek word,
theopneustos, which literally means “God-breathed.” Scripture is “breathed out” of the mouth of God. The Bible’s words are God’s words (
What is the difference between verbal plenary inerrancy ... -