Put into a somewhat broader context…
Why is a person once as spiritually dead as anyone else able to believe and repent?
The Bible does not say, "People are born spiritually dead." No person who ever walked on this earth was "born spiritually dead."
We may walk farther and farther away from God, but that shows we walked away toward a path that led to death. Like the "prodigal son" parable. He was with his father in the beginning, got greedy and ended up slopping pigs.. and Jews didn't eat pulled pork bro.
I once woke up in an alleyway with snow all over me and thought, "What the heck am I doing?" And I didn't return to the Father I once knew as a child.
No theological degree. My parents told me that God created everything. He said he was up in heaven and we couldn't see him until we get to heaven. I believed that as a child.
My life was centered in God by family (women and children) who went to church on Sunday, mentioned God by mouth when correction was necessary but lived their faith daily.
One who wanders from the way of good sense will rest in the assembly of the dead. Pro.21:16 ESV
My parents taught me good sense. Paul had good sense before he understood the law,
I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. Rom.7:9 NKJV
And how are we kept in the faith…through iron willed belief or the power of God?
By Iron willed belief
in the Power of God
Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1Cor.1:24 ESV
You've been misled my friend. People have mocked us for our imperfections, but iur Father never mocks us. Our Lord says they same type mocked Him too and He had no imperfections.
Thank you dear Lord Jesus for showing me how I have mocked You and Your Grace in having forginen me all of it.
I truly undersrand now Oh Lord how You want Your church to see others, to love others as You loved us.
I never hear you hating or pointing your finger at, or condemning people who make your life miserable. I hear frustration with the comic twist. I hear you thanking God for every peaceful thing in your life.
You don't sound nuts to me at all, so watch for the person who's telling you that. That's the one who Satan is speaking through.