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It appears I'm no longer wanted on this forum


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It appears I'm not longer wanted to post on this forum. My use of Bible hub and verses from scripture appear to offend the moderators of this site and I'm being harassed for using a tool to easily post Bible verses.
It would be far easier for me to post on another site than to post here anymore so I'm bidding you all a fair well.
I just can't take the harassment of posting on this site anymore.
It appears I'm not longer wanted to post on this forum. My use of Bible hub and verses from scripture appear to offend the moderators of this site and I'm being harassed for using a tool to easily post Bible verses.
It would be far easier for me to post on another site than to post here anymore so I'm bidding you all a fair well.
I just can't take the harassment of posting on this site anymore.
How are you being harassed?
It appears I'm not longer wanted to post on this forum. My use of Bible hub and verses from scripture appear to offend the moderators of this site and I'm being harassed for using a tool to easily post Bible verses.
It would be far easier for me to post on another site than to post here anymore so I'm bidding you all a fair well.
I just can't take the harassment of posting on this site anymore.
a lot of it could do with copy right .i use bible hub along the way. other depends on the topic
How are you being harassed?
The moderators on this board are saying verses that I post are not scripture even though they are straight from the scriptures. Verses such as this.

Both moderators arguing that this verse is not scripture and one who deny the verse states the two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth.

I'm trying to point out Jesus taught that you should not recompense evil for evil as in this verse.

Yet the moderators are insisting that it OK to kill and torment others because they say it's OK.

Lastly and this is why I'm leaving. Because the moderators don't like verses posted on this site and are now constantly asking me to not post scripture such as this verse

Which verse proves the two witnesses in Revelation do the exact opposite of everything Jesus stands for and taught.

The two witnesses kill and torment people and scripture does not show one single thing they do that's good. Yet the moderators on this board cant even tell the difference between good and evil and condone violence and evil works.

No wonder there are so few posters here. When the moderators ignor the words of Christ for thier own beliefs, your not going to attract many posters.

At no time did Jesus ever condone violence.
Yet the mods problem is the verses I'm posting for people to read. One told me to stop posting these verses.They simply can't stand the truth here.
Thier argue t is its not scripture.

They believe verses such as this is commentary.
Im having to argue its not.
It's incredibly exhausting.
STAND YOUR GROUND.. the above is scripture i have not seen the post so i cant say one way or the other. but if you feel your in the right stand your ground
STAND YOUR GROUND.. the above is scripture i have not seen the post so i cant say one way or the other. but if you feel your in the right stand your ground

Third post saying it's not scripture.
All the scripture posted from Bible hub and his argument is its not scripture.

Third post saying it's not scripture.
All the scripture posted from Bible hub and his argument is its not scripture.

It's a link to bible Hub. When you click on it it takes you to
bible Hub .
It's a link to bible Hub. When you click on it it takes you to
bible Hub .

I never said to click on it. I said this is scripture. You said it's a commentary and argued it's commentary. This is the words of Jesus christ and the two witnesses do the exact opposite of everything Jesus taught.
But that doesn't change the fact this is a bible verse. It is scripture.

I never said to click on it. I said this is scripture. You said it's a commentary and argued it's commentary. This is the words of Jesus christ and the two witnesses do the exact opposite of everything Jesus taught.
But that doesn't change the fact this is a bible verse. It is scripture.

The link takes you to a website with many different versions.
It's a link to bible Hub. When you click on it it takes you to
bible Hub .

Here is more scripture the two witnesses reject. And scripture that you said you don't want me to post because it's from a site called biblehub.

This is not even worth the aggravation
Try to teach someone that killing and tormenting people is just plain wrong and moderators are saying it's right. Good grief.

Here is more scripture the two witnesses reject. And scripture that you said you don't want me to post because it's from a site called biblehub.

This is not even worth the aggravation
Try to teach someone that killing and tormenting people is just plain wrong and moderators are saying it's right. Good grief.

The two witnesses are empowered to Prophesy and call fire down upon the wicked who try to harm them.

Then they are caught up to heaven after they are raised from the dead.
The two witnesses are empowered to Prophesy and call fire down upon the wicked who try to harm them.

Then they are caught up to heaven after they are raised from the dead.
You just proved what I was saying all along.
Yes the two witnesses do make fire come down from heaven.

And you believe that's a good thing.
You just proved what I was saying all along.
Yes the two witnesses do make fire come down from heaven.

And you believe that's a good thing

Yes. They are sent by and empowered by God.

And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.” These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. Revelation 11:3-6

The two witnesses are empowered to Prophesy and call fire down upon the wicked who try to harm them.

Then they are caught up to heaven after they are raised from the dead.
I never said the two witnesses wouldn't ascend into heaven in a cloud. They deffinatly will. They tormented others, now it's thier turn. God will recompence.



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