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The link takes you to a website with many different versions.
So what, as many use different Bible translations as yes, you can find commentaries on that site, but yet scripture is given without looking at all the different commentaries.
You just proved what I was saying all along.
Yes the two witnesses do make fire come down from heaven.

And you believe that's a good thing.
Rev 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
Rev 11:4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
Rev 11:5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.

1. Who gives power to these two witnesses
2. What are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks
3. Who are the enemies that will try and hurt them and be killed for trying to silence the words they speak

When you search the answers to these three simple questions then you will know who they are and why God calls them back up to heaven.
The two horns on the second beast represents the two witnesses who control the second beast. They are the ones with power.
The two witnesses which represent the word of God are not the two horns of the beast as you are trying to make Rev 13 to fit with Rev 11 and has nothing to do with Rev 11.
I think you are a troll. You are not a Christian but want to go to the christian site and continually put God down...? WHat kind of welcome do you expect for that? Bye.
Shilohsfoal is not a troll, but does take out many scriptures out of context from a few books of Revelation to force that of what he believes
This is very tiresome.
Yes, it is tiresome trying to ex[lain to you who the two witnesses are as we have gone round and round with trying to show you from Rev 11 and Zechariah 4 of who these two witnesses are that God sent down to preach His word during the end of days. You have it set in your mind they are evil and kill good people that are God's own. Why would God send down His word and torment and kill His own.

I give up trying to show you what and who the two witnesses are as you are the only one I have ever known to say they are evil. You are trying to fit the verses about the beast and the false prophet, the two horns and the kings of the north and south trying to fit it all together, but yet each one is a different event in the end of days and has no tie in about the two witnesses of Rev 11.
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